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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
What does Ned do in between shows?…he claims he always hangs out at a local bar…
Ned will be throwing out the first pitch at the Rays game on Friday…
Bubba gave Spice a “dick sucking gesture” on the way out of the parking lot today?…
Did Spice wear an extra tight shirt today to impress a female?…
Bubba loves the new Bubba Raw illustrator Mark Anthony…Ned does too…
What does Bubba want his funeral to be like?…How quick would Heather move on and start
dating again?…
Ned had the opportunity to hook up with a hot younger girl at Grubbsapalooza…
Caller – in the shop getting a Ned Hardly tattoo on his forearm…Bubba gives him AC M&G’s…
Play Manson’s “Scotty Ferrall Interviews Jesus Christ” bit…
What are the guys from 3 Doors Down doing now?…
News – a 14 year old tries to flush her baby in Houston…
Caller – Congrats to the Celtics…owns a SmartCar and is having electrical issues with it…
News – police begin to investigate woman with five dead husbands…
Caller – how does a Scientology E-Meter work?…
Caller – (Israel) explains what “Juneteenth” is, and how he celebrates the day…comments on the
Sirius XM merger and the mandated race friendly programming…
Would Spice screw a woman 30 years older than himself? (like Cindy McCain)…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Gay And Lesbian Channel” call…
Can Bubba shock assholes on the show?…
Audio – Ted Poe addresses congress about the new proposed CFL light bulb laws…
caller – needs to talk to Brent off the air…
caller – comments on the XM and Sirius merger…
News audio – an old timer has found a way to power his house and car with wind…
Show vote…should Bubba shock assholes?…
Intern Shock Collar Trivia (Asshole Edition) with Lummox and Pantera…
The guys strapped the shock collars to their assholes and Bubba sets them to the highest level…
Spice asks the guys some Bubba related trivia…Pantera pulls ahead and wins the game…
Bubba shocks both of them as they try to remove the shock collars while in the green room…
Highlights from segment 3
Caller – claims that his state is charging an extra $3 per month for his satellite subscription…
Caller – will Bubba ever tell the Heather breakup stories?…
Caller – when will Spice have phone sex with Karen Angle?…Bubba leaves a message for Karen…
Cleveland Bubbapalooza tickets will be on sale Friday…
Bubba will be on CNN headline news at 11pm tonight…Showbiz tonight…
Caller – has Bubba tried “miracle fruit”?…
caller – gives the details of a FTE trucker convoy in Albany…
News – a woman is suing Victoria’s Secret over a defective thong…
Caller – Is the Agora Theater standing room only?…
Email – thanks to Howard for giving Bubba the chance to be on Sirius…
Listener email – is Ned really throwing the first pitch?…love the Evel Kenevil sfx…
Email – Nancy Grace is speculating about the Hogan family on her show…(speeding and DUI)…
Bubba explains why Heather left him twice before they got married…and how he did some things
that he wasn’t proud of while she was gone the second time…
Where does Bubba see his family in 10 years and in 20 years?…
Bubba predicts that he will retire from radio when he is 53 years old…
Bubba says that he will give Manson a tongue kiss in 11 years…Manson agrees to kiss him back…
Highlights from segment 4
What numbers did the guys pick for their Rays jerseys?…
The Unsigned Band Review with “James Ednie” and “Ladyfish”…
The James Ednie CD sounds like shit and will barely play without skipping…it gets smashed
and James gets no ribs for being so shitty…
The guys mark out to a picture of the female singer from Ladyfish, until they find out that she is
only 15 years old…
After mixed reviews from the guys, the Ladyfish CD gets the Bubba approval…
Ned thinks that only men with cocks can sing rock music…
Play Manson’s “Stairway To Bubba” song…
Caller – Howard compared the BTLS show to the torture at Abu Ghraib…
Caller – upset that Howard recommended free cell phones for everyone?…
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