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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive| February 5th|Project Decalcification
Bubba Podcast | February 4th|Loner & Stoner
Lummy’s Sports Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 4, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba is celebrating 19 years on radio since starting at B96 in Chicago…
Spice had to remind 25 Cent not to get high with Kottonmouth Kings today…
Caller – enjoyed the Bubba Raw dollar preview… “did Spice get his peter wet this weekend?”…
Bubba plays previously unaired audio of the baboon going after Spice during a break on Friday…
Bubba explains the background behind the Frank Graziano (Caruso) voicemail tapes…
Caller – where has Naughty Alysha been?…
Caller – Howard played 40’s and Blunts today on his show…
Caller – daughter (Rachel Dawson) entered in a contest to award a playground to a charity…
Caller – (Christpuncher) Was Bubba much of a Tim Russert fan?…
Has anyone ever cried on the show before?…Will anyone cry at Ned’s funeral?…
Christpuncher would rather play baseball than come to Bubbapalooza…
Caller – (Big Pooch) thinks that Christpuncher is a bit of a fraud…
25 Cent got really drunk on Friday night and acted like Jimi Hendrix…
BJ from AZ calls in…he is pissed that the phone screeners call him crazy…then he acts crazy…
Manson brings in a new song “Fat Man Saying Yo Yo”…using Jesse James Dupree’s music…
Caller – Bubba is a Howard copycat…(but he can’t name any similarities)…
Caller – how was Bubba’s father’s day?…
News – FCC chief Kevin Martin recommends approval for Sirius / XM satellite radio merger…
Bubba tunes into Tiger Wood’s last hole…
Who will get Tim Russert’s spot?…
Bubba and English Manson commentate for the Tiger Woods shot that puts him into a playoff…
Highlights from segment 2
Caller – Dale Jr. won…will Bubba eat crow now?…
News – Al Sharpton soaks up hundreds of thousands in boycott dollars…
Should Brian Williams replace Tim Russert?…
Caller – went up to Charlotte and did the NASCAR ride along deal…(Richard Petty Driving Exp)
News – Jury acquits R Kelly in a full on 12 man mark out…
Tiger Woods win the US Open…
Daddy X from Kottonmouth Kings and Dirtball in studio with BJ the tour manager…
Dirtball used to cremate bodies in Sweden for a living before his music career…he claims that he never messed around with a dead body in a sexual way…
Caller – claims he hung out with the Kottonmouth Kings, but they disagree…
Daddy X talks about judging in the cannabis cub…and medical marijuana in California…
The guys are all for Obama if he will support medical marijuana…
Caller – what do the guys think about Tec 9?…
Daddy X finds Bubba’s bag of “Fein” caffeine powder…
Bubba gives Dirtball’s new single “Mushroom Cloud” a spin…
BJ the tour manager used to sing with Rick James?…BJ shows a little acapella soul…
Bubba rips on Dirtball’s song “Mora Kyrkogarden”…
The guys try Bubba’s Apple Pie Moonshine…and shoot more “Fein”…and check out pics of Heather…
The guys freak out when Bubba tries to show off his gun…
Caller – will the Kottonmouth Kings come to LA on this tour?…
Caller – (Spatchy?) former bass player for Daddy X…
Highlights from segment 3
Caller – pissed at the phone screeners…Dirtball is from a really white trash county…
Caller – always comes in 2nd place to one of his friends while go kart racing…
Caller – (frantic caller) why does Sirius keep changing the BTLS replay show schedule?…
Caller – got a great lap dance from Yvette in Pomona (of Henry and Yvette fame)…
Bubba leaves a message for Lisa Lampanelli…
What have been the biggest nationally distributed news stories involving BTLS?…
Bubba’s iPod has a mind of it’s own…won’t always play when Bubba wants it to…
Bubba tells Spice to go out and get real high before he plays the Graziano voicemails…
B-Fudd calls in…doing “gweat as usual”…he is looking forwards to meeting Heather Wiz…
Spice comes back into the studio after getting cooked down…
Highlights from segment 4
Caller – does everyone in the studio ever defend the Graziano family or just the Hogans?…
Bubba plays the audio of Bay News 9’s interview with Frank Graziano (Caruso)…
Bubba plays the threatening voicemail messages that Frank Graziano left for Terry Bollea…
Caller – thanks Bubba for making him want to lose weight…
Caller – confronted his sexual abuser…
Ned makes fun of the guy and says that he may sodomize him at the next meet and greet…
Can a someone from the show get an asshole tattoo?..
Listener email – sick and tired of BJ…Bubba staff is the most undervalued commodity in the media
Caller – went to Grubbsapalooza…and claimed he was with Bubba…
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