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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba credits the show “Rad Girls” for the Pubic Hair Burrito idea…
Caller – saw Brutus the Beefcake in a dive bar outside of Philly…
Bubba calls Brutus (Eddie) him to see if the caller was accurate…turns out that he wasn’t…
Caller – (Christpuncher) begs for Bubba to not play Soulja Boy song again…
Caller – what should be in his rattler if he plans on swinging?…
Would Bubba ever hang out with couple that wasn’t good looking?…
Janie calls in about an article on Obama in “The Paper”…even a racist guy is going to vote for him…
Janie comments on the Nick Hogan phone call from jail…
Bubba may have found a convertible Smartcar to buy…
Janie says that her pussy is on strike until she gets to use the riding mower…
Bubba threw a rock at his mom’s head when he was eight years old because he couldn’t ride the
riding lawn mower…Bubba also stole a typewriter and a balloon when he was a kid…
Caller – just got his AC Bubbapalooza tickets today…
Email – “Spoofcards” are for real…Stamkos is for real too…Yvette is a whore…will Bubba sell
pictures at events?…Indiana is leasing it’s toll road to a private company…glad that Bubba is
supporting the “half black man”…
Caller – (Patrick) concerned that his girl (Shelly) may be screwing around…
Caller – going to the “Prelude” in El Dora…worried about a rain out…
Bubba calls Tim McCreedy for an El Dora weather report…
Spice gets Patrick and Shelly on the phone…Shelly claims that she is not screwing around on
Patrick even though she has been showing her tits to guys on her webcam…Patrick admits that he
has had more than one affair in the past…Shelly admits to getting DP before but she’s not a whore
Are guys that do DP kind of gay?…
Highlights from segment 2
Bubba’s cell phone has quit working entirely…now he can’t call Rick “Chub” Eckerd…
Caller – Big Show cut his head open at the last event…
Bubba finally gets the number from his phone and calls Rick “Scrub” Eckerd…
Bubba calls Heather and she asks Bubba where he is…
Spice asks Heather about her new found hairlessness…and if she likes anal…
Bubba offers to screw Heather tonight if Tony Stewart wins…
Bubba plays a clip of the new Ned call to Linda Hogan bit…
Pubic Hair Burrito with Lummox Tom the Tree Man and Pantera…
Bubba puts on a pair of gloves and puts together the burrito…
25 Cent, Chip, Half Pint and Miller provided the pubic hair…
Spice challenges Bubba to eat a pube for five dollar…
Bubba tries to stick a burrito into Spice’s asshole…
Spice offers to let Bubba wipe the burrito on his ass…and Chip does too…
The guys pick numbers to see which burrito they will have to eat…
Highlights from segment 3
Bubba calls Tim McCreedy and greases him with Evel Knievel…Tim is planning on wearing
Tyler’s race shirt at El Dora tonight…
Pubic Hair Burrito with Lummox Tom the Tree Man and Pantera…(continued)…
After three bits, Tom gets a mouthful of pubic and ass hair and pukes…
Caller – almost ready to puke in his car while listening…
The staff offers Lummox $70 to eat the remains of Tom’s pubic hair burrito and he accepts…
Lummox reaches into the puke trough and pulls out Tom’s burrito, then eats it…he manages to
Consume the rest of it, but get s pubes stuck in his throat and tries to choke them up then pukes…
Bubba offers Tom $650 to consume Lummox’s puke…
Caller – Bubba was great on Howard’s show today…
Caller – (Cory from VT) his job put him on paid leave because he might have a gun in his car…
Caller – puked while driving and listening to the burrito deal…
News – a Green Bay Packer smashes a home intruder with his bed post…
Chris Brown (token ass) calls in…why does he send Spice weird text messages?…
Highlights from segment 4
Caller – calls Bubba “egomaniacal and narcissistic”…
Bubba plays Ned’s new call to Linda Hogan bit…
What is the longest time Ned has spent in jail?…
Caller – afraid to find out what the guys on the show look like when he gets the internet…
Unsigned Band Review with “Golden Boy” and “Prophet”…
Golden Boy chalks up a “fucking rib and fucking cheese” violation right away for having shitty
accents…Golden Boy gets some Carson’s Ribs for sucking so much…
Bubba checks out a video by “Golden Boy”…
Prophet gets an intro violation on their song about a shitty dad…Bubba puts over their production
quality, but they get some ribs too…
Bubba explains the problems in the black and white trash communities…
Brent has become quite the speed demon lately…
Caller – pissed that Bubba talked bad about people that live in trailers…
Caller – Lakers / Celtics game speculation and predictions…(Bubba says Lakers in six)…
Caller – claims he has listened to Bubba since 1986…
Bubba has a new idea for a “more rarer” merchandise project…
Caller – has heat with Bubba’s white trash comments…his wife is white trash…
Bubba replays Ned’s new “Call Linda Hogan From Jail” bit…
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