Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Spice says that Leticia Cline has not called him back since yesterday…
Bubba marks out to Eric and Pate (DWT)…
Bubba took Tyler back to the doctor today…
Brooke Bennet came by today to work on Spice’s diet routine…
Amanda comes home tonight…will Brent try to get a pumping in?…
Bubba explains how he got the Evel Knievel tape from a woman that dated Evel…
Bubba is trying to set Spice up with a particular situation from another town…
Caller – where did Bubba learn “op”???…
Talk about how poor the Elite XC product was…
Scotty Ferrall calls in about hockey Steve Stamkos the Rays Elite XC MMA and the Lakers…
Audio – Scott McClellan feels that president should have fired Carl Rove…
Caller – was the Kimbo fight stopped too soon?…
Caller – claims that his four year old daughter is being abused by mom’s new boyfriend…
Caller – dating a single mother with a crappy three year old boy…wants advice…

Highlights from segment 2
Play Manson’s “Bringing Fat Ass Back” song…
Tucker Carlson calls in…will MSNBC ever reconsider bringing Tucker back?…
Tucker was approached by an avid BTLS listener (Victor) while in Monterey California…
Will Hillary finally be out of the race?…
Brent tells Tucker about his experience at the Obama rally in Tampa…
Who will do better in the debates Obama or McCain?…
Will some racist person try to assassinate Obama if he becomes president?…
What does Tucker think about the JFK assassination?…
What does Tucker do when he is out of town?…
Bubba’s sister Tara has a crush on Tucker…she broke up with Sharkleberry…
Bubba tells Tucker about how Spice defiled his sister back in the day…
Play Manson’s “Ted Kennedy Has Brain Cancer” song…
Talk about Metallica and Dave Mustaine…
Bubba needs a new cell phone…the new iPhone to be released soon…what is different?…
Bubba claims that he doesn’t really use his phone…he goes over the list of people he has talked to
today…it turns out to be quite extensive…
Caller – what kind of Mustang should he get?…(Saleen, Rousch, etc…)…
Caller – saw a TV show about the restaurant that Tucker was talking about…
Caller – thinks Manson’s Ted Kennedy song is a bit tasteless…so Bubba plays it…

Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “Call Hogan From Jail” bit…
Tyler’s doctor is a huge Ned mark…
Audio – Bill Clinton talks about the article about him in Vanity Fair…
Using Preparation H to make yourself look buff is the new trend with club goers?…
Caller – Will Hillary by Obama’s VP?…
Caller – where will George W rank in the long line of presidents?…
Caller – uses Preparation H to seal new tattoos…
Caller – uses Preparation H to shrink fat away…
Bubba explains the story behind the Evil Knievel Hep C audio tape…and plays the tape…
Brent has gotten even more of the story from the woman on the tape with Evel…
News – R Kelly trial adjourns after a mystery man comes forward to benefit the defense…
Play Manson’s “R Kelly Ignition “ parody song…

Highlights from segment 4
Play Ned’s “Brent Flip Flopper” song…
Caller – (Downer Dave) shares a story about getting thrown from a golf cart and compares it to
the Nick Hogan accident…
What other channels does Downer Dave listen to?…
What channels do the guys listen to?…Are they proud of being radio geeks?…
Bubba wishes that some of the other Sirius hosts would step it up and make a difference…
Caller – (Woody) called prior about cheating on his wife with a college girl…now she is pulling
a “fatal attraction” type of deal on him…
Caller – loser should have to pay in court cases…
Caller – got Sirius for Shade 45 but he has been disappointed recently…
How many fat women does Ned have in his stable?…he claims that he has three for research only…
Does Manson have any tapes from his morning show in Iowa?…what about Brent?…
Caller – has a shady jack shack story, but he is at his kid’s day care so he can’t talk…
Caller – wants to sing the national anthem at Bubbapalooza…
Caller – offers to send an old reel to reel player to Bubba…
Bubba never got some audio equipment that he paid for…did they double sell it?…
Caller – (protection) shares his Asian jack shack story while his kid is in the car with him…the guys all call shenanigans on his story…

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