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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Tim Sabean and Howard think that Bubba and Brent are being conspiracy nut jobs…
Caller – has been prank calling Lasker…Bubba asks him not to…
Bubba leaves a message for Leticia Cline…says that Spice thinks she’s a bitch…
Audio – Obama leaves his church…
Caller – Elite XC was fixed…
Caller – Robin and Howard were talking about the Nick Hogan tapes this morning…
Bubba comments on Linda Hogan and her really young boyfriend…
Bubba tries to play a listener bit “Pirates of the Bubbarean”…but can’t take it…
Hockey stud Steve Stamkos coming to the Tampa Bay Lightning?…Now all the men will have to
lock down their poon…
Highlights from segment 2
Caller – (Rick Dipietro – Islanders Goalie) Steve Stamkos is the real deal…
Caller – “Stamkos is the shit”…
Scout and Big Gulp check in… “Alaskan pipeline” made the rounds at Sirius…
Spice gets Yvette (of Yvette and Henry fame) on the phone for an update…they are still married…
Henry disconnected her internet connection after she got 186 emails from listeners…
Yvette started working at The Strip Joint in Pomona and she has hooked up with two guys so far…
Yvette hooks up with guys in their cars after they buy her “VIP’s”…
Yvette agrees to give special attention to the Bubba Army…
Joe the Super Mark calls in…Honkey Tonk Man will be in Niles, Ohio…
Al Borda from Skin Industries calls in about the Max Hardcore trial…Al has had his own run ins
with law while in the adult industry…he went to court over his movie “Whoreos”…
Al doesn’t like sensual porn and would rather see a girl get screwed with a baseball bat…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “Stand Up” song…
Audio – Elliot Sadler causes Tony Stewart to wreck again…
Audio – Kyle Busch comments on his win…
Caller – wants to screw with Honky Tonk Man while he is in town…
B-Fudd calls in…he’s getting his wisdom teeth pulled…
Caller – (Picnic?) tells the Bubba Army to stop being cheap and buy more shirts…
Bubba Army shirts are making their way into news photos…
Janie has found her own handyman “Kurt the Bulldog”…
Bubba calls Kurt to see what Janie has had him do for her so far…
Bubba wants to buy a large property out by where his mom lives…
Sex and the City brings in almost $56 million…
Caller – everyone he knows thinks that he’s gay…but he thinks he looks pretty good…
The guys check out his MySpace site and critique his queer looks…
Caller – wants to have phone sex with Ned (shitty)…
Listener email – what is the new Howard 101 schedule?…BTLS show helps make the day go by easier…thanks for trying to open up your lives to listeners…FTE had to cancel Bubba Raw due to a a tight budget…
News – an OJ Simpson associate claims that OJ confessed to him while high on pot…
Bubba speculates that OJ may have walked in on Ron Goldman mouth pumping Nichole?…
Caller – almost killed a guy that was screwing his wife with his bare hands…
Caller – found a Palm device with numbers of people from the Patriot’s organization on it…
Bubba recommends that the guy just return the device to it’s owner and not be a dick…
Tyler has a high fever and Bubba needs to cut out a few minutes early to take him to the clinic…
Highlights from segment 4
Rick Yemm from Ice Road Truckers calls in…
Rick talks about some of the sketchy trips he has made across the ice road…
Rick has a Bubba Army tattoo that he sports on the show…
The History channel had the guys drive on parts of the Arctic ocean this season for a new challenge…
Rick has been listening to BTLS since the very first show on Sirius…
Rick had to drop his MySpace account after his new found fame got to his head and almost
ruined his marriage…
Caller – also drove the ice roads for a while…(till it burnt him out)…
Play “Jasmine St Claire gets kicked out of the studio” segment…
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