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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba is concerned about how stiff Spice has been to him lately…
The guys are tired of each other and didn’t even talk at the gym today…
Heather wants to see the new “Sex in the City” movie…
The guys discuss having a “gang nap” in matching recliners…
Caller – impressed by the work ethic of Bubba and the crew…
Bubba compares the work schedule to being in jail…he would rather be in solitary confinement…
Caller – pissed that Bubbapalooza won’t be coming to Seattle…
Caller – (female) thinks that Bubba is sexier than Spice…
Caller – tells Bubba why he doesn’t want to be in jail…
Caller – History channel is blurring out the Bubba logo on the commercial…
Caller – (Alex from the Ukraine) husband of MILF contestant # 22…tries to copy Bubba as much
as he can…he puts his wife Ally in the phone, she may be willing to get crazy with Spice in Seattle
ESPN Radio host is fired for comments about Ted Kennedy…
Manson brings in a new Ted Kennedy song…
Caller – (host of the podcast “It Burns When I Pee”)…
Email – friend of “Pike’s”…why no Bubbapalooza in Wyoming?…listener kissed Kimberly
Williams (she is a mark for the show)…Bubba needs to come to Seattle…
Highlights from segment 2
Dr Mark in studio to answer men’s health questions…and some for Spice too…
Dr Mark checks out Spice’s testicles…and says that his balls are ok…
Dr Mark explains how to do a self exam of your nuts…
Email – Revitalabs questions…will having a testicle removed cause low testosterone levels?…
Caller – worried about the results of a recent drug test…email – Cialis causing heartburn…
Email – can Propecia cause lack of sex drive?…email – does “Extendz” really work?…
Dr Mark describes penile rehab…
Caller – will milk thistle tablets help rejuvenate an alcoholics liver?…
Caller – can someone who had open heart surgery take Revitatropin?…
Caller – erection goes limp right before orgasm…
Caller – testicles ride up during sex and are sore?…
Play Manson’s “Hillary 3am Call” parody…
Florida Governor Charlie Crist outlawed Salvia…
The Podcast Willy review with “It Burns When I Pee”, a show about obscure county music…
Highlights from segment 3
Heather Wiz on the phone (cell phone) for the return of the “State of the Bubba Address”…
Will Bubba stay with Sirius at the end of his contract with them?…how has the long schedule
affected the wives of the staff?…How does Bubba feel about the fans that shit on playing bits
at the end of the show…will Manson ever stay if a girl is in the studio (like Karen Angle)?…
Will Bubba release a “what are you gonna do about it?” shirt?…maybe a better quality shirt?…
Would Bubba ever release a military tribute shirt?…Will Brent ever regret his large Howard Stern
Fist tattoo?…What is the craziest stunt that Spice has ever done, and what current staff member
would he like to see repeat it?…
SOTBA (continued)…why did Bubba abandon the SOTBA last year?…Why has Sirius been
dumping parts of the show today?…Bubba feels insulted by the fact that parts of his show are being
dumped…Brent leaves the studio to call Tim Sabean…Who censors Bubba more, Sirius or regular
radio?…Heather agrees to ask only Sirius friendly questions, but then her phone cuts out…
Tim Sabean calls in and gets heat with Bubba, then hangs up the phone…
Bubba decides to stop the SOTBA and go to a break to regroup…
Highlights from segment 4
Play “Gay Caller Cums When He Shits” call…
Play “Swinger Talk /Angela Kangaroos” call…
Bubba comes back live and says that he will not take the pussy way out…he says he has nothing
to say to Tim…
Caller – (female) should she cancel her Sirius subscription?…
Tim made Bubba feel as though keeping the show on the air is like a charity…
Caller – congrats on hulking up on Sirius…
Caller – why is Sirius censoring Bubba, it is supposed to be censor free?…
Caller – thinks that Bubba handles the situation perfectly…why the censorship?…
Caller – pays for Sirius to hear Bubba…Sirius doesn’t censor Howard…
Caller – why does Sirius only censor Bubba?…
Bubba explains that he does not want to be a charity case…
Bubba isn’t sure what to do to not get in any more trouble…he decides to continue the show…
Audio – Lou Dobbs comments on the candidates lack of options for the lowering the fuel costs…
Brent explains some of the research he has done on why the fuel prices are so high…
News – no men in the audience at the “Sex in the City” movie in England…Bubba is going…
Audio – Ellen Degeneres confronts McCain about her own upcoming gay marriage…
Would Spice hook up with MILF contestant # 22 if he had the chance?…
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