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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Spice hates the Harry Chapin “Cats In The Cradle” bumper music…
Jose Canseco looking to fight people in Atlantic City?…
Israel the FTE calls in…he has heat with California right now and recommends a venue for a
potential Bubbapalooza…Israel says that people will come to a CA Bubbapalooza…
Bubba mentions that he may have to cancel the Seattle show due to overhead cost…
Bubba analyzes the roster of people that must be at Bubbapalooza…and gets the list down to 11…
Bubba calls the Ferret to discuss cutting the roster and taking the following Monday off…
Ferret’s solution is to just “fuck Seattle”…and try to book Toronto…
Caller – has anyone seen the movie “Recount”?…
Who would score higher on an IQ test, Tucker or Brent?…
Bubba gets up to speed on the Warren Jeffs underage polygamy case…
Audio – MENSA member Sharon Stone thinks that karma caused the earthquake in China…
How would Bubba answer questions if he was on the red carpet?…
News audio – an autistic kid gets voted out of his classroom by his peers…
Caller – (Emma) her boy friend is getting screwed on child support/ visitation to his ex and child…
BJ from AZ calls in…fuel prices are ridiculous…Is Kurt Angle a booker?…
McCain is too old to get down the stairs…he looks even older without his suit…
Caller – (from Utah) corrects Brent on his polygamy facts…he makes an analogy about trading
your own daughter for diesel fuel and Bubba hangs up on him…
Highlights from segment 2
Bubba rips on Soulja Boy…
FTE Sam sent a video message about having to eat Ramem Noodles due to fuel costs…
Caller – FTE that argued with Bubba in the past wants to argue some more…
Bubba calls Big Dick to find out why he hasn’t brought in the tape that Texas Hangman got him…
Why is Dick so negative?….Why didn’t he ask Dave Rice to help find the right kind of player?…
Caller – sees 13 year old polygamist boys working in Utah…
Caller – Low sulfur diesel is part of the low fuel mileage problem…
Bubba busts out his CB sound effect for some CB role play with Ned…
Spice does the “der der der” voice for the first time…
Caller – recommends that Bubba mix ATF with his diesel fuel to get better fuel mileage…
caller – Bubba needs to try propane injection in his diesel…
Caller – does some live CB talk while in his rig (using a reverb box)…
Bubba plays a classic Alisha Klass phone call where she talks a female caller through completion
Highlights from segment 3
B-Fudd calls in…he took some Vicodin’s before he mowed the lawn today…
B-Fudd finds Bubba sexy because he has “more cusa for the pussa”…
B-Fudd is devastated that Bubbapalooza won’t come to Seattle…but he is willing to take
multiple connecting flights to get to the one in Atlantic City…
B-Fudd plays monkey sounds and says that it is 25 Cent’s laugh…Bubba lets him go for being too
racial today…
Caller – (Ford mechanic) talks about ways to boost the performance on Bubba’s truck…
The guys rip on Ned’s Excalibur (kit car)…
Bubba is concerned that some of the MILF contest girls may have ‘chines rigging their voting…
Chip admits that a very computer savvy person could find a way around the voting restrictions…
Bubba says that Spice “dirty dogged” him while rolling in the Bubbagon yesterday…he claims that
Spice tried to suffocate him…Spice debates that he is not in the same weight class as Bubba…
Bubba challenges Spice to see how long Spice can last without tapping out…he lasts a full minute
by “turtling up” even though Bubba uses the illegal “noogies” technique…
Highlights from segment 3
Caller – claims he has a performance chip that can make Bubba’s truck perform better…
The Unsigned Band Review with “Mojo Rib” and “Striken”…
Mojo Rib gets a unanimous negative vote on both tracks and some Carson’s Ribs…
Stricken gets a cookie monster violation and is deemed “refried shit”…they get some ribs too…
Caller – (David) had a hunch that his wife cheating on him because she was always texting in
private and talking about her coworker…his wife admitted to screwing her coworker after he
confronted the guys wife…
Bubba asks David to try and line up a phone call with his wife and the other guy she’s screwing…
Caller – a girl at work started looking good today…but only after smoking weed…
Caller – his wife slept with a cop that pulled her over…he’s glad that it happened…
Who was betting on Bubba’s marriage?…how long will it last?…Bubba predicts seven years…
Then Bubba babyfaces and talks about what a good woman Heather is…
Email – liked the Jens Pulver/Urijah Faber interview from yesterday…
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