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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba had the building in “lock down” mode between shows today…
Caller – DJ “Wolf” in Albany claiming to tattoo a kid on air?…Bubba calls shenanigans…
Bubba describes the services that Unique Chrome offers…
Bubba wants to chrome plate everything…
Bubba calls Eric to find out how they chrome plastic…he claims he can chrome anything…
Eric will even chrome sex toys…
Caller – talks about Arties confession on Howard’s show…
Ned brought a new bit “Hitler Doll”…
Caller – MLB all star voting has begun and Aubrey Huff is on the list…
Spice isn’t sure if Aubrey Huff even wants to go to the All Star game
Caller – sprint car wing questions…dirt track games on Play Station?…(Sprint Cars 2?)…
Bubba wants to broadcast live from East Bay race track…Spice thinks that racing can’t be too
difficult and Bubba feel the same way about Tennis…
Bubba plays a Clem’s Creek bit that has a lot of creative editing…
Bubba had to unplug his home phone to avoid being Gary Cox’ed by someone…
Caller – races 1/8th and 1/10th scale remote control monster trucks…
Will Spice hook up with Sara on Friday?…Would she be the youngest girl he’s been with?…
Has Spice ever screwed a girl ten years younger than him?…
Caller – has a job opportunity 100 miles away from his kid…needs advice…
The guys make fun of one of the Unsigned Bands from today (Cocksmen)…
Bubba role plays as an FYE music store employee…
Highlights from segment 2
The Smart Car is the safest car available?…Received top crash test ratings…
Caller – recommends that Bubba check out the Vanessa Carlton edition of Cribs…
Bubba is disgusted by Cindy McCain…
Janie calls in to brag about how cool her new Smart Car is…and to talk about her dogs huge cock…
Bubba begged Janie not to vote for Bush…she apologizes for not having listened…
Talk about the bear that was in studio last week…
What has Bubba been losing sleep over for the past week?…
Jane talks about a bad motorcycle wreck that she saw while in Florida last year…
Bubbas reveals that he has become obsessed with a pimple on his taint…and the fact that he didn’t
video tape the popping of it…
Caller – (female) still waiting for a ring from her boyfriend…offers to blow Bubba at Sturgis…
Caller – (Insurance inspector) offers info on the Smart Car…
The guys check out the “Exploding Zit” video on You Tube…
Henry and Yvette call in to give an update on their “open relationship”…Yvette has been getting
barebacked by a black guy with a ten inch cock, and Henry has been sniffing her panties…
Bubba asks Yvette to give Henry a little more sex so he won’t be so freaked out…
Yvette gives out her email address in hopes of finding some new strange dick…
Highlights from segment 3
Bubba checks out a picture of Yvette…she’s not bad looking…Spice calls Yvette, and she says
that the pictures are not hers…
caller – had a friend with a relationship similar to Henry’s that ended up killing the “other guy”…
caller – Obama doesn’t stand a chance in West Virginia…they are too racist…he also shares a
story about a girl taking care of herself in public…
Email – Aubrey Huff just got greased by Ramirez…
B-Fudd calls in…Bubba wants him to design a Seattle Bubbapalooza flyer to hand out…
Ned sets up his new “Hitler Doll” call to the Ukraine…
Listener email – can Bubba release video of everyone’s cars?…FTE listener died due to a nut
allergy…met Bubba’s dad Doug Clem…elephantitis of the balls…listener almost canceled his
Bubba Raw subscription until the bear video went up…wife hates it when he does Bubba
impressions…Carson and Letterman handle animals like fags…
Highlights from segment 4
The Unsigned Band Review with “The Cocksmen” and “Maxwell Adams”…
The Cocksmen have funny lyrics about balls, but no hooks…They get smashed…
Maxwell Adams gets a quick approval by all the guys except Ned…
Listener email – requests an old call “Kid molested by his father”…
Play “Father Molests Son” call by request
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