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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Neil from Clips4Sale had food catered for the guys today…Bubba calls him for a porn update…
The guys review the top ten fetish clip countdown…
Caller – had a homoerotic dream about Bubba…
Joe the Super Mark calls in…why won’t Bubba go on Hogan’s celebrity wrestling show?…
Caller – thanks Bubba for the birthday card…wants to buy Bubba dinner…
Bubba checks out some of the clips on Clips4sale.com…including a strange jerk off video that the
Ferret set up for him…
Caller – met Aubrey Huff at a game in California…(does sound for 80’s bands)…Kevin and Bean
are ripping off the “round mouth” contest…
Bubba tells Spice how concerned he is about Spice’s safety on a motorcycle…
Bubba even threatens to pull Spice’s endorsement if he plans on doing “stunts”…
Caller – waiting to get his Bubbapalooza tickets…
Highlights from segment 2
News – three teens smoke pot from the severed head of a corpse…
Caller – popping wheelies on a motorcycle is against the law…
News – a woman caught smoking pot at a pot possession trial…
News – Matt Walsh turns over tape of Patriot’s taping opposing teams signals…
Callers – side with Spice on the motorcycle deal…
Play Ned’s “Fantasy” song…
Bubba proposes that Manson and Spice do their pose down at Bubbapalooza…
Caller – does Spice plan on wearing a helmet?…
Caller – stunt rider invites Spice to ride with him in Atlantic City…
The guys check out some of the “My New Haircut” rip offs…
Atlantic City Bubbapalooza tickets go on sale…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “Tyler Story Time” bit…
The Grizzly bear is eating his “bear chow” out in the parking lot…
Caller – just got his tickets and the VIP tickets were already sold out…
Caller – got four meet and greet tickets at 11:59…
Caller – got meet and greet tickets…
Caller – trading Bubba Army merchandise for pussy while on the road…
Could Rob Kahn get the bear in an arm bar?…
Who will wear the honeycomb shirt in the studio with the bear?…
Caller – UPS driver coming to AC Bubbapaloooza and got VIP tickets…
Rob Kahn in the studio to check out the bear…
25 Cent comes in and says there is no way that he would wear the Honeycomb shirt…Lummox
agrees to wear it…
David Weathers brings in his friend Dexter and his 400lb Grizzly bear named “Tonk”…
The bear is very hungry and the guys feed him an entire cake…
Tonk proceeds to chug a Miller Lite and a Cocaine energy drink…
Lummox enters the studio wearing a shirt covered in Honeycomb cereal…the bear eats the cereal
right off his shirt and gets angry when Lummox tries to leave the studio…
Bubba ear grips the bear while the bear does whippits off a whip cream can…
Highlights from segment 4
Caller – sent his wife to the Taj Majal box office to get tickets…
Caller – loved the bear segment…thanks the guys for hanging out in Merrillville…
Caller – bear wrestling talk…
News – A coyote tries to drag a two year old from her yard…
Caller – people out west love the show…
News – The body guard of Princess Diana took a ring off her finger right after the deadly crash?…
The guys discuss what each one of them would have done had they stumbled across her corpse…
Bubba listens to a live stream of Nick Hogan’s court hearing on TMZ.com…
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