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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive| February 5th|Project Decalcification
Bubba Podcast | February 4th|Loner & Stoner
Lummy’s Sports Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 4, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Atlantic City Bubbapalooza tickets go on sale Friday…
Dr Dan Diaco calls in…he has a house in Atlantic City… “medspa” talk…Bubba has become very
impressed with Dan’s brother Jay Diaco…Rookie orientation for the Tampa bay Bucs talk…
Bubba wants to bring a gun into the studio when the bear is here on Friday…the guys all agree that
Bubba is “trigger happy” and should leave the gun out of the studio…
Spice recalls a couple of gun “mishaps” that Bubba has had in the past…
Caller – Obama primary talk…
Caller – uses a Nyoxin shampoo to re-grow his power alleys…
Caller – BTLS birthday card made his day after a shitty weekend…
Caller – girlfriend won’t give head…
Caller – recommends “Bear Fog” to keep the bear away…
Caller – trying to work a shady swinger deal with a piece of side ass and his wife…
Caller – argues that Obama will take away our guns…and argues about Iraq war…
Play Manson’s “The Decider” bit…
The guys rib Bubba about the music in her iPod (Tommy Tutone and Nena)…
Caller – promoter Frankie DeFalco says that Bubba big timed him?…Bubba calls Texas Hangman
to find out what the deal is with Frankie DeFalco…
Spice works Hangman into a shoot with the old “got an email” scam…
Hangman tells a story about the time Bubba watched him screw a girl and made ghost noises…
The guys trade VIP Room sex stories…Bubba reveals that he is quite the voyeur…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Manson’s “Teardrops Falling On Bubba’s Bed” song…
BTLS website poll has Spice winning the pose down…
Bubba reads Ned’s most recent blog…
Tim Sabean is freaked out by the idea of the guys have a bear in the studio…
Caller – trying to send flowers from Tiger Lillis website…
Manson and Bubba get a tiny bit of heat over Manson’s contract…Brent is upset that Bubba treats
Manson differently than everyone else…Bubba demands an example of him treating Brent poorly…
Brent says that Bubba was excessively mean to him after the Miller ordeal…but he won’t really
elaborate on it…
Spice says he is sensitive and doesn’t like to be yelled at by Bubba, who is like his father figure…
Caller – what has Bubba done to make you want to quit?…Spice says he doesn’t like to get ear
grips from Bubba, and Manson brings up all the ass fondling Bubba has been doing recently…
Manson claims that Bubba groped on his ass earlier this week…
Bubba claims he was “in character” during the ass fondling…and it was just a rib…
Caller – got out of a ticket because of the B-Fudd drive thru bit yesterday…
Caller – Strippers in studio will be a “hoot”…(full telephone worker effect)…
Audio – Ron Paul still is receiving support…
Bubba comments on the “unfair and biased” Fox News coverage of primary…
Bubba was impressed by Obama buying people breakfast while campaigning…
Caller – girl found condoms in hot chocolate mix…
Caller – Antonio Pierce was on Howard’s show today…
Highlights from segment 3
Caller – mixing pills and steroids and can’t finish during sex…
Caller – recommends going to a swinger takeover of a resort in Orlando…
Email – Heather must really love Bubba…Merrillville show was great…Amanda is beautiful…
Email – requests an old Macho Man talk break from back in the day…
Play classic “Macho Man Car Stereo Talk” segment…
Bubba checks out the “My New Haircut” video…
The Unsigned Band Review with “Three Miles Out” and “Nu World Disorder”…Bubba feels bad
about it, but ends up smashing the Three Miles Out CD because it is too happy sounding…
Highlights from segment 4
Bubba talks about the Jet Performance chip for vehicles…offers to get Spice one…
The Unsigned Band Review continues with “Nu World Disorder”…their first song is about shitting
on someone’s face…Ned loves it…the music is great, but the singer sucks…they get approved…
Caller – claimed he was the manager of Nu World Disorder to get on the phone…
Caller – (Sherry) claims she is a friend of the family of Nu World Order…
Caller – sent a Swiss Army style stadium blanket invention to Manson (the Switch Pack)…
Rumor has it that Deputy Scott Reid may have won the AMW contest…
Hogan calls in…he wants Bubba to be on his Celebrity Wrestling Show…
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