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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive| February 5th|Project Decalcification
Bubba Podcast | February 4th|Loner & Stoner
Lummy’s Sports Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 4, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba sends 25 Cent on a Vitamin Water finding mission…
Bubba is in a great mood today and it annoys Ned and possibly Spice…
Brent wishes that we didn’t have cell phones…Manson pretty much lives that way now…
Caller – Update (James from Texas) wife is leaving him because he doesn’t talk to their kids…
Bubba gave Big Dick a brutal work out today…
Spice gets Jennifer, the daughter of James on the phone…she agrees to go live…then hangs up…
Caller – got some guys wife pregnant, and they kept the kid…after beating him up…
News – marijuana busts (one of them 4000lbs)…
The guys propose a new concept of ‘haircuts and blowjobs”…
The guys mark out to Bubba’s visionary merchandise designs…
25 brings Bubba a Vitamin Water…Bubba demands that 25 be his friend and tell him a story…
Bubba demands to know about 25’s last beat off session…and tells 25 that he will have a job
with him forever “until he fucks up”…
Tony Stewart’s gasman “Gooch” is listening to the show today…
Tucker Carlson calls in…is he in a gay bar?…the Democratic campaigning is coming to an end…
Tucker saw a Bubba Army bumper sticker in Miami…Tucker agrees to do spoken word at a
Phoenix Bubbapalooza…the guys discuss the title of Bill Mahr’s new movie “Religulous”…
Is Tucker getting a new job or not?…
Tucker asks Bubba about his terrestrial radio gig…and the Brooke Bennett diet…
Tucker’s kids have been asking him about his appearances on the BTLS Show…
Tucker talks about fisting…
Does Tucker smoke weed or shoot steroids?…
Bubba offers to send Bubba Army shirts to Tucker’s kids…
Bubba tells Tucker about some of the bits that Sirius has squashed )fisting and baby roulette)…
Tucker had drinks with an FCC commissioner, but won’t give away his name…
Why didn’t Chip setup Manson’s PC to do blog posts?…
Who does Chip want to win the pose down?…
Highlights from segment 2
Bubba replays the “Ron and Mike” show interview with The Honky Tonk Man…
Caller – claims the Honky Tonk Man sells pictures of his kid dressed as “The Patriot”…
News – Carl Eller throws a police officer over his SUV…Egyptian court convicts five men of being homosexual…an organist collapses and dies while playing at a funeral…
Caller – God Hates Fags people lost their appeal…
Caller – (Robert) met 25 Cent (Bubba’s goon) at a “Big Brother” audition…and he’s still a virgin…
25 comes in to explain what Robert’s deal is…Robert lives at home with his dad and doesn’t even
The guys check out a video of the Big Brother audition with Robert on it…
Bubba would like Bubba to try and get Robert laid…Robert admits that he may be mildly retarded..
and he is willing to go out with a bigger girl…
Both Spice and 25 Cent claim they have to work this weekend and can’t really help Robert…
Has Spice ever helped out with the shipment of merchandise?…
Highlights from segment 3
Caller – his brother is voting for Reutimann all day long…smoked a phatty with Brent and wants
Bubba to review his friend’s band…
B-Fudd calls in…he’s still getting over a weekend bender…how much does B-Fudd make from
the government?…
Audio – Rush Limbaugh claims that Clinton hit on his date?…
B-Fudd is having a hard time finding Anbesol at Walgreens?…
B-Fudd orders from Taco Bell…then works the drive through at McDonalds…
Did Hammil attempt to touch B-Fudd’s cock while in Indiana?…
Ned negotiates B-Fudd’s Bubbapalooza pay down to only one Bubba Army mud flap and a
hand job…
Play Manson’s “If Bubba Had A Million Dollars” song…
Bubba calls Big Dick and he hangs up on Bubba’s “concert”…
Big Dick puked during a workout with Bubba at the Clem Gym…more pose off arguing…
Why doesn’t anyone use Bubba’s neck machine?…(Big Dick hangs up again)…
Bubba calls “The Texas Hangman”…he tosses out a few backhanded compliments about Bubba’s
Bubba calls Rich Minzer about his replacement Nautilus cable crossover machine…
Bubba checks out a picture of a listener’s tattoo (Rich Gilbertson)…
Email – can’t get Bubba Pay per view in Phoenix…email – Bubbapalooza review…
Audio – Obama comments on how Reverend Wright has affected his campaign…
Janie calls in…she just got back from voting for Obama…
Janie tried bitter apple spray on her new dog…
Highlights from segment 4
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