Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Donna had an incident earlier today with a gray Hyundai…
Spice put Anbesol on his lips to ease the pain, now they are numb…
Spice looks like he got face fucked by someone with herpes…
Bubba wants to spread Anbesol on some guy’s asshole, but no one volunteers…
Caller – his mistress wants him to leave his wife…
Caller – has heat for being on hold for three hours yesterday and wants to play a game…
Give oral, Get oral or ass fuck John Lynch, Jessica Sierra, or Dr Facefuck?…
Caller – Attorney generals filing complaints over the Sirius XM merger…NAB is writing their
statement for them…
Predictions put oil at $200 a copy soon…
Caller – also had his mouth torn up while having wisdom teeth pulled…
Bubba is looking to add some more equipment to the Clem Gym…
Caller – she explains what may have happened when Spice was sedated (mouth gag)…
Joe the Super Mark calls in to rat out people on for talking shit about the show…
Podcast Willie Review…Bubba plays some clips of the “Darksiders” podcast…

Highlights from segment 2
Tucker Carlson calls in…Bubba finally got a better view of Contessa Brewer’s body…
Who would Tucker pick between Contessa Brewer and Amy Robach?…
Tucker wants to smoke at the Clem Gym…Is Bubba crazy for wanting to buy land?…Could our
government fix the issues at hand?…Should people stock pile food, weapons and gold?…
Tucker met Charlie Crist…
Tucker talks about David Gregory’s ratings…his were better…
Tucker discusses Richard Quest’s bad decision to hang out in Central Park with a rope around his
cock…Why don’t republicans resign after sex scandals?…
Obama and Jeremiah Wright talk…Hillary or John McCain, who has the better chance?…
Sirius and XM radio merger talk…
Tucker pussed out on Arriana Huffington…
Is Bush drinking again?…
Rumor has it that Kramer hung himself and is dead…
Spice reads the email he got about Kramer’s suicide…
Bubba announces the date the Atlantic City Bubbapalooza tickets will go on sale…
Brent found a club foot midget that skateboards outside the Clem Gym…

Highlights from segment 3
Ned finally pooped today…
Caller – pissed off that people blame other people for their problems…
Caller – thinks that the guys were kind of hard on Kramer…
Caller – Manson put Kramer to death…
Podcast Willie Review…Bubba plays some clips of the “Darksiders” podcast…(continued)…
The fan sites are pissing Bubba off again…
NASCAR driver David Reutimann calls in…he just got back from some safety testing…
David talks about what it feels like to get bump drafted…

Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “Dirt Track Mountain” bit…
Does Bubba miss Rebecca?…
Spice announces that Kramer is actually alive…the email he received was bullshit…
What would the media say about Bubba if he died?…
Brent predicts that someone will shoot him someday…
Bubba promises that he would take care of Amanda if Brent were to die…he also promises to take
care of Donna if Manson were to die…
Who would take care of Bubba’s family if he were to die?…
Caller – corrects Bubba’s Reutimann double zero story…
Caller – (Reverend Rouge) part of the Darksiders podcast…
Podcast Willie Review…Bubba plays some clips of the “Darksiders” podcast…(continued)…
Audio – Bush acts like an ass at his economic press conference…
Will the “economic stimulus checks” actually do anything for the economy?…
The guys are divided over whether to drill for oil in the wilderness preserve

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