Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Ned looks like Nostradamus with his Merrillville ticket sales prediction…
Why hasn’t Manson been blogging?…
B-Fudd calls in…will he be able to make it to the Chicago Bubbapalooza all by himself?…
If he’s so loved by everyone, why does the pope travel around in a bulletproof pope mobile?…
Caller – (Brad from Phoenix) sent Yaya’s for lunch and he tries to stir up the heat with Miller…
Bubba asks Brad about converting his home to solar power…
Bubba doesn’t plan on firing Miller, but he wants to do a listener poll to see how Miller can pay
him back for missing the Cigarette John footage…
Caller – (Grant) married FTE likes to bang “broads” on the road…he has been repeatedly hooking
up with a married woman that he met online…
Caller – has seen Gary Scelzi’s kids race…
Caller – (Pastor Glen from Baltimore) talk about unmarried catholic priests being pedophiles…
Pastor Glen is a Lutheran minister that dated a stripper…
Caller – (Grant) Spice can’t get in touch with the girl that he’s screwing…(Bubba should hire Artie?)
Caller – (Robert) his old lady told him that she doesn’t love him any more…show got him through…
Caller – thought Spice was black until he got Bubba Raw…

Highlights from segment 2
Text vote – should Miller be allowed to go to Bubbapalooza in Merrillville?…
Bubba is disappointed with the size of Contessa Brewer’s lower rig…
Tucker Carlson calls in…he says that TV producer Billy Rainey listens to the show…
Tucker hangs up when Bubba tunes into the Obama basketball video clip…
Tucker calls back…Is Michelle Obama lightening her skin?…Bill Clinton is ruining his legacy…
Is McCain’s wife a MILF?…Who will McCain pick for his Vice President?…
Tucker and Brent debate over Obama’s “guns and religion” comments…
Tucker is concerned about Obama not having any experience…
Brent points out McCain’s long record of bad decisions…Obama is a great public speaker…
When will Hillary wrap it up?..Can Bubba broadcast his show from anywhere in the world?…Will Tucker ever sit in on the show?…Tucker asks how many strip clubs are in the vicinity of Bubba’s studio…Tucker talks about how many people tell him they love him on the BTLS show…
Why did Imus replace Curtis and Kuby in New York?…Could Tucker be a radio host?…
Randy Michaels / Sam Zell talk (T Shirt story)…Daniel Ruth talk…Tuckers replacement talk…
Bubba tells Tucker to go after Arianna Huffington at a debate next week…
Bubba decides to name the new intern “Acne John” or just “Zit”…show vote decides on
Bubba explains how Spice’s original name was going to be “Old Weird Harold”…
Bubba used to have a make believe friend named Harold…
Text vote – 61% of people feel that Miller should not go to Bubbapalooza…
Caller – had really rough anal sex with his girlfriend and she shit all over him…(shit dick)…he’s
worried that his dick is packed with shit…
Caller – (Slidejob Jones) heard that Miller had a pretty good set at Bubbapalooza…
Caller – Miller is the biggest fucking douchebag for not doing “shit hits the fan”…
One BTLS listener “Dirty” is in jail for murder…
Audio – Bill Mahr comments on the polygamist sect…

Highlights from segment 3
Robin Quivers calls in…she has been very busy during her vacation…Robin hasn’t called since
she got heat for revealing her breakup with Mr. X almost one year ago…What does Robin sound
like in bed?…does she sound like Akira?…
Robin talks about…Did Robin call the BTLS staff gay on Ferrall’s show?…
What does Robin think about the Olympic athletes boycotting the Olympics in China?…
Who is Robin voting for?…
Bubba feels that Robin has gypped him out of his make out bet by retiring from racing…
Robin talks about the Artie incident and how Artie actually threw his water bottles at her window…
What does Robin’s vegan diet consist of?…Robin eats hemp powder to get her protein?…
How did Robin find out what her “trigger foods” were?…
Could the guys go vegan for a week?…
MSNBC hasn’t diverted their “24 Hour creep cam”…
Manson points out that the Pope has gone out of his way to protect priests that have “fucked little
boys in the ass”…
Janie calls in…she got a new dog that won’t stop biting her…Bubba’s hometown paper hasn’t
covered Bubbapalooza…(Rick Fox talk)…
Janie tore her rotator cuff?…She was helping Jeff get off the couch?…
Janie talks about the Catholic church and the pedophile accusations…
Janie is planning on bringing cream pie to Bubbapalooza for Bubba…
How is Tara doing now?…Bubba still hasn’t talked to her…

Highlights from segment 4
Caller – spent $1000 on Robin’s charity …
By request Bubba replays the Dion vs. 25 Cent segment…
Audio – Dion Sanders new reality show…crappy underscore and all…
Caller – thought Spice was black…thinks that Bubba runs a Wayne’s World type management…
Caller – offended by Manson’s “Malibu Matt” bit…so Bubba plays it…
Caller – James (a new listener) screwing a 40 year old Puerto Rican cougar…
Caller – The Rise Guys turned him on to Bubba…now he loves the show…
Big Dick and Ferret are leaving to catch a Cubs game…(raccoon eyes, man tits)…
Do Big Dick and Ferret have a thing going on?…
The Ferret and Big Dick have creepy man sex (role playing imitation)…

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