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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
Bubba Exclusive | March 9th |Tuddle & Kristin
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 7, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Audio – Jesse Ventura on MSNBC…
Ned works himself into a shoot over the “Jabronefest” Merrillville Bubbapalooza…
David Weathers “The Cobra Kid” from the Jackass movie, will be in studio today…
Caller – Talk about the Rampage fight (UFC)…will 25 handle the snakes today?…
Caller – how does Bubba feel about Artie resigning?…
Caller – would Bubba have Artie work for him?…
Caller – why didn’t today’s Howard show replay?…Brent explains what happened…
Caller – How would Bubba have reacted to the Artie deal?…(Artie’s inner demons)…
Caller – Howard pried a lot of information from Artie and Teddy…
Caller – (American Airlines employee) claims that the grounding of 900 flights due to safety
concerns is total bullshit…he claims that the company is posturing for a federal bail out…
He warns Bubba from booking flights on certain airlines…He predicts what airlines will survive…
Caller – Dawn (Airtight ski pole) checks in…no new stories…her daughter and her friends are all
screwing black guys…Dawn falls for Evil Knievel (again and again)…
Play Manson’s “Malibu Matt” bit…
Bubba describes Miller’s leg workout punishment…
Caller – (Jake) American Airlines Pilot…agrees with 90% of the earlier callers information…he
also says that there is no safety issue with the planes…he claims that the FAA is just screwing
with American Airlines…Bubba asks him if there is a lot of sex between flight attendants and
the pilots…Jake says that it is a lot less since 9/11…
Miller explains why Bubba punished him, and how his leg workout went…
Caller – loved the “titties a bouncing” caller from yesterday…
Highlights from segment 2
Bubba threatens Spice when he tries to order a Papa John’s Pizza online during commercials…
Caller – rallying up truckers for a trucker protest in Washington DC…(Truckers and Citizens
Crayola releases eight new crayon colors name changes…(Captain Kangaroo / Mr Greenjeans)…
Brent attempts to sing the Aubrey Huff song Letters from Home…Spice too…
The Unsigned band review with “Awaystation” and “Isolate”…
Awaystation gets a bad mix violation…but get a positive vote on their first track…they scrape by
on the second track too for an overall positive ruling…
Isolate gets the bad mix violation too, a triple intro violation, and a pure cheese violation…the guy
give Isolate a negative ruling…
Caller – got bit by a timber rattler…
Bubba has been told that the city of St Pete released a bunch of rat snakes in his neighborhood…
Caller – had his first kid today…
Did Manson or Bubba cry when they had their first kid?…
Caller – smoke peyote by accident…
Caller – Brent may be tone deaf…
Brent sings along with Sabbath, Danzig and Kiss…but still can’t sing country music…
Highlights from segment 3
David Weathers the Cobra Kid in studio…why does he have a bull whip?…
David has had to get anti venom shots twice…
David tells the stories about his two venomous snake bites…
Bubba asks if “Snake Away” really works…David also handles bears, baboons, gators, etc…
David talks about the difference between gators and crocs…he has also been bitten by a gator…
Talk about Steve Erwin’s final animal attack…
How much skill is involved in animal handling?…How does a person train?…
Did David make good money doing the Jackass movie?…What other movies has David provided
animals for?…David describes his most evil snake that was in a James Bond movie…
David blows in the box to make the Rattlesnake shake its rattle…
David explains what would happen as a worse case scenario if one of his snakes bites him and escapes…
Highlights from segment 4
David opens up his snake box and pulls out his Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake…he blows up a balloon and lets the snake pop it while it is still in his mouth…for his next trick, he will attempt to
kiss the back of his cobra’s head…
Bubba starts to get nervous when David gets the cobra entirely out of the box…he pets it first, then
kisses it on the head…he then holds it only inches from his face…and puts it back in the box…
Bubba asks David to bring in a bear to fight Chip next time…
The guys discuss how they would have escaped the studio if the snakes had gone on a rampage…
New Friday schedule starts tomorrow…
Caller – shouldn’t fuck around with snakes…
The guys recap the “titties a bouncing” caller from yesterday…
Email – fiberglass sculptor offers his services…can they make a giant fiberglass Bubba statue?…
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