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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive| February 5th|Project Decalcification
Bubba Podcast | February 4th|Loner & Stoner
Lummy’s Sports Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 5, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | February, 4, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Brent and Bubba did a major arm workout today…why didn’t Spice workout today?…
Spice is paranoid about people talking about him and people finding his porn…
Bubba lets loose a nasty fart and may have shit his pants…
Caller – a $10 Bubbapalooza ticket costs almost $27 after all the taxes and charges….
Caller – (AJ) Claims to be in the TV show “Axemen”…
Bubba is looking for a Seattle venue for Bubbapalooza…
Email – local cable company is carrying a Bubba “strip ship” pay per view…
Kramer left Spice an email…he claims he has a lot to say and will be completely honest…
The show will be live from 10am to 2pm on Friday’s starting this week…
Caller – what does Spice do when Bubba and Brent are at the gym?…
Bubba feels that he had a respectable load size last night…
Caller – how much weight do the guys bench press?…
Play Ned’s “Piece Of Me” song…
Kramer calls in…he ended up in a mental institution after going to the hospital for a detox…
Manson says that he is extremely bored by Kramer’s story, and Kramer calls Manson out…
Kramer compares his alcoholism to having cancer…does anyone feel bad for him?…
The guys fool Kramer into believing that a new guy on the show named “Jimmy” has been saying
shit about him…
Brent reads Dave Rice’s blog about Kramer…
Bubba takes some callers that all pretty much agree with Manson…
The general consensus is that Kramer needs to grow up, put the bottle down and get a job…
Kramer shares a sob story about his alcoholic father that he never really knew…
Donna even calls in to tell Kramer to grow up…How much has Kramer consumed today?…
Kramer claims that he fucked Jenifer Jordan in the butt…then takes it back…
Highlights from segment 2
Tucker Carlson calls in…he gets heat with the guys by talking down about George Carlin…
Tucker ripped into Phil Donahue yesterday…Brent rips into Tucker about his views on Cheney…
Why does Tucker back unpopular people?…
Where did Tucker go to college? Was he a big nerd in school?…
The guys all agree that the show “How it’s made” is cool…
What should you do if you hear your condom snap?…
Bubba explains how he refuses to ejaculate inside Heather and cums in his own hand instead…
Brent makes some predictions on who Florida voters will vote for…
The guys discuss what president had the biggest cock…Ned fantasizes about Obama’s cock…
Tucker says that Contessa Brewer does know who Bubba is…he says he will goose her for Bubba…
Bubba says he would like to fight Dick Cheney in the Bubbagon and punch him in the face…
Aubrey Huff going for 4 and 4 today…
Caller – his father is going in for surgery to have his pancreas removed…
Caller – Will Bubba cheer against Tampa when Aubrey Huff comes to town?…
Caller – has a picture of Dick Cheney’s dick?
B-Fudd calls in…he recommends a venue for Bubbapalooza…
Brent hates on Dane Cook…
news – A Wisconsin prison guard claims to have “blacked out” when he assaulted inmates…
Obama campaign gives away Dave Mathews concert tickets during a Clinton speech…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Sodomy Street” bit…
Is the Bubba pay per view only available in Ohio?…Brent explains on demand programming to Bubba…Spice admits that he fucked Akira in the boat cabin during the taping of “Bubba Strip Ship”…
Caller – Lightning draft pick talk…
Caller – upset about the Polk County girl that was beaten by a bunch of teens…
Tim Sylvia and Fedor match to be scheduled…
Caller – has the Bubba pay per view in Kentucky…
audio – Michael McDowell comments on his wreck last week…
audio – Aubrey Huff’s game winning homer…
audio – Hillary claims that she opposed the war before Obama did…
audio – McCain screws up the facts about Iraq again…
caller – (Jeanette) 34 year old female was unable to orgasm until boyfriend used the two finger…
caller – (Robin) would like to meet Spice…and mix him in with her boyfriend…Spice asks her
about how he could defile her…he requests photos of her spreading and gaping…
Caller – has heat with Bubba’s Dale Earnhardt comments…then his phone drops out…
Bubba says that Dale Earnhardt is the reason NASCAR implemented the soft wall and hans device
Caller – met Jim Bruer…
Caller – is the Bubba Pay Per View available in Canada?…
Caller – shares his cougar tale…an old nasty gave him a blow job next to her mothers grave…
Caller – (Stacey) concerned about the size of her enormous labia…Bubba thinks that “more meat
on your dick might feel better”…the guys request a close up picture of Stacey’s labia…
Play Ned’s “Want New Pussylips” song…
Highlights from segment 4
Bubba got a wedding invitation from listeners in Canada (Brian and Erin)…
New Ned shirt is coming soon…so is a Cleveland Bubbapalooza…but no Pittsburgh…
email – need help finding puss in Atlantic City…
email – didn’t appreciate Joe’s gay friend…
email – the show has been hulking up lately…
Caller – has the “Strip Ship” pay per view in Connecticut
Bubba plans on installing cameras at the Clem Gym…
Bubba is already planning on making changes to the Clem Gym…
Bubba mentions that Jeff Bird got lucky on his Yankees vs. Rays bet…
Caller – lost his trucking job for smoking weed and is considering joining the army…
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