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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
Bubba Exclusive | March 9th |Tuddle & Kristin
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 7, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba recaps the strenuous workout he did with Brent today…
Lajoie seats needs to use the video of the McDowell crash for their commercial…
Malibu Matt (Spice) is paranoid about the guys talking about him when he’s not at the gym…
Should Malibu Matt be Spice’s new name?…
Bubba announces that the show will now be live at 10 AM Eastern on Fridays…
Caller – Mike, the guy that was going to have gay sex with Joe the Super Mark calls in…Bubba
conference calls Joe to see if any gay acts have commenced since their last call…Mike talks about
where he goes to meet gay men…Mike claims he isn’t into anal sex, just oral from gay men…
Mike got blown by a guy in Orlando last week and the guy got nothing in return…
Joe roll plays giving Ned some oral and Ned lets loose a load of “mustard gas”…
Joe was subpoenaed as a witness in a DSS case…Bubba marks out to Papa John’s pizza…
Caller – why did Bubba get fined almost one million dollars?….
Is Hammil trying to get out of Bubbapalooza with his ear issue?…
Caller – happy about the new Friday schedule…claims that Russ from the “Monsters” show in
Orlando is talking shit about Bubba…Brent’s Matt Serra fight predictions?…
Play Ned’s “Apocalypse Ned – Black Devil” bit…
Donna made turkey chili for the guys…
Caller – (protection) talks about a woman in his town nicknamed the “Head Doctor”….
Listener email – Atlantic city Bubbapalooza questions…new bits on iTunes…Retard Tommy
writes in (is it really him?)…
Chip comes in to talk about the new BTLS bits and parody songs that are now on iTunes…how
did Chip’s roller skating party go on Friday night?…Chip hooked up with his ex girlfriend?…
Caller – race talk…
Ned brings in a Britney Spears parody that Bubba requested he make, but doesn’t remember…
Highlights from segment 2
Bubba calls in Tom the Tree Man and the new giant intern “Lummox”…
How many cigarettes does Cigarette John smoke a day?…Would John like to smoke more? Bubba offers to fund his habit (can John smoke four packs in a day and while drinking scotch?)…
Bubba interviews Warren the new intern and gives him the name “Lummox”…he claims that Big
Dick warned him about not name dropping…
Bubba sets up some duct tape to rip Tom the Tree Man’s mustache off…then tries some gaffers
tape…Big Dick heats up some hair removal wax so Bubba can do it right…
Bubba talks about the Tony Stewart tire change fiasco at the Texas race…the guys role play what
it might have sounded like if Bubba was the driver of the car that was delayed in the pits…
Bubba is looking to set up a Bubba Show Race at East Bay race track…
Bubba spreads the hair removal wax on Tom’s upper lip…after three different rips, Tom’s stache
Still won’t come off…Bubba tests the wax on Tom’s chest to see if it actually works…it does…
Bubba takes a few more rips from Tom’s chest…then kicks everyone out…
Caller – (Downer Dave) Is Bubba trying to kill Ned with the new Friday schedule?…
Caller – has a cougar caper in the works…he shares the details…
Caller – has his daughter running in a shitty go kart chassis…
Bubba recommends Stanley chassis and Douglas Wheels…
Highlights from segment 3
Bubba plays the new Ned Britney parody song and the guys rib Bubba over his vocal performance..
Bubba doesn’t want the Howard staff to get hold of the song…
Caller – (Suzy Q) wants to be declared the winner of the date with Chris the EMT FTE…
In the news – an Iowa state senator planning to boycott Pizza Hut after they plan to fire a delivery driver that thwarted a robbery with his own weapon…and a former child genius is now a whore…
Caller – Robin announced that she has given up racing…has she lost the bet with Bubba?…
Bubba offers up some possible settlement options for her….
Caller – has a man law question…but it doesn’t make any sense…
Aubrey Huff hits a homer to break an eighth inning tie while in Seattle…
Caller – witnessed a wrecker destroy a sprint car at a race…
Caller – corrects the guys on Aubrey’s numbers…he doing even better then they thought…
Caller – claims that he witnessed that Honkey Tonk Man acting gay…
How much time during the day does Cigarette John spend smoking?…
Bubba shaves Tom’s mustache off with a regular razor…
Bubba offers to let Spice pick a new name for himself if he can pick by the end of the day…
Spice pitches a Bubba staff award show…Tom looks even creepier without his moustache…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Ned’s “Piece Of Me” parody song…
Caller – (straight male flight attendant) he shares some of his ass stories…he claims he once
Choked out a female flight attendant while fucking her…Ned calls shenanigans…Bubba has the caller rattle off the preflight safety speech as a test to see if he is actually a flight attendant…
Bubba asks for female flight attendants to call in and confirm or deny the last callers stories…
Caller – Chris the EMT FTE…appreciates the date that Bubba arranged for him…
Caller – (Private pilot) confirms promiscuous flight attendant stories…
Caller – Commercial Pilot agrees that it’s a big “fuckfest” with the flight attendants…
Caller – (female flight attendant) claims that some flight attendants at her airline have been kicked
out of hotels for having “scat parties”…
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