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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
Bubba Exclusive | March 9th |Tuddle & Kristin
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 7, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Ned is back today…
Caller – (Downer Dave) Is Bubba talking to his family now?…Dave misses beating off to Tara
and won’t answer any personal questions…
Bubba calls Jeff Bird to find out about Eddied Bird resigning from the Pacers…will Larry resign?
Caller – Saturday Night Live had a cartoon with a guy wearing a shock collar…
Caller – does strong man competitions and asks about the Clem Gym…he talks about having to
wear a compression suit to keep from blowing out his asshole…Ned would like to blow his out…
Play Manson’s “Scotty Ferrell Interviews Jesus” bit…
Bubba calls Jeff Bird to see if Larry Bird is leaving the Pacers…Jeff says he isn’t…
Jeff says that his brother Eddie left the Pacers because he is lazy…
Jeff and Bubba make basketball predictions and bet $50 on the Yankees / Devil Rays game…
Highlights from segment 2
Caller – Give Oral Get Oral and Buttfuck (Hillary Obama and Anne Coulter)…
Tucker Carlson calls in, he met a doctor from Ft. Meyers that loves the show and says that
Nicorette isn’t bad for you…Bubba isn’t happy with Tucker’s replacement…
Tucker says that Contessa Brewer is a member of the Bubba Army…
Tucker opts out of playing the game Give Oral Get Oral and Buttfuck…
Tucker doesn’t agree with Jeremiah Wright’s comments…
The guys talk about the USA’s massive debt to China…
Bubba says “fuck the slant eyed Chinese fucks”…
President Bubba explains his economic plan…Tucker says it just might work…
Tucker interviews President Bubba as he would any other candidate…
Tucker asks about the Sirius / XM merger…
Who is Ned going to vote for?…Ned says he doesn’t vote anymore…
Play Manson’s “Hillary 3AM Call” bit…
Jeff the Drunk calls in…he promises to behave at the Atlantic City Bubbapalooza…
Does Artie smoke as much as four packs in a weekend?…
Jeff explains his sexual encounter with Kendra Jade…and a porn star named Cindy Crawford…
Caller – (Blondie) looking for sex toy advice…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Too Fat For Fucking Jeans” song…
What was the biggest band in the eighties?…
news – family pursues MySpace sex assault suit when 14 year old daughter is assaulted by
a 19 year old…
Bubba talks about the things that this country needs to change…(IRS, tort reform, immigration,
Habeas corpus, and lobbyist reform)…
The Cubs are looking to block the view of Wrigley Field from roof top clubs or collect profits….
The Eagles cut a deal with Wal Mart to sell their latest album…
Caller – what age can a kid start Jiu Jitsu?…Why does Spice hate John Lynch?…
Why doesn’t Bubba play the Irish song anymore?…
Caller – an Intercom station (WAAF) is ripping off shock collar karaoke (Hillman)…
Play Manson’s “Macho Man Rap Outtakes” bit…
Spice got everyone “Tater Mitts” as a gift…
Bubba asks Brent to take his shirt off so Bubba can try to peel his back…
Bubba chases everyone out of the studio with his tater mitts…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “Narcissinex” bit…
Bubba proposes Extreme Tater Mitt Fighting…he even offers to fight Rob Kahn with them…
Rob Kahn calls in and says that a little road rash won’t make him tap out…
Rob asks the cashier at Publix who would win in a Tater Mitt Match…she doesn’t know Bubba…
Bubba is concerned about how fast Rob will take him down…
Brent shows Bubba how Rob is most likely going to submit him…
Bubba demonstrates his Tater Mitt cheese grater technique on Brent…
Bubba tests his Tater Mitts on an actual potato…
Caller – concerned about how much he paid for a blowjob at a strip club…
Caller – used Tater Mitts on his brother…he thinks Rob might tap out…
Bubba comes up with other uses for his tater mitts…(fingering, prostate checks)
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