Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Officials in Florida want a “do over” for the primary…Why did Florida mover their primary up?…
Bubba marks out to MSNBC anchor and rips on Anne Coulter…
Ned rips on people that build their homes on the side of a mountain…
Caller – just got his new FTE shirt…sounds just like the Honkey Tonk Man….
Bubba, Brent and Spice worked out at the new Clem Gym…Bubba marks out to Spice’s arms…
Bubba wants to get the recipe from Smoothie King…
Caller – (big titted girl from Cleveland)…Bubbapalooza was awesome…wanted to mix in with
Bubba and Heather…Her boyfriend would have given her a free pass…
The Atlantic City Bubbapalooza may not happen due to an “insurance clause”…
Randy Couture and his wife Kim in studio…he is appearing at a Nordstrom’s in Tampa to promote
his new clothing line…Shawn Sherk, Babalu Sobral and Keith Jardine will be at the appearance too
Brent ran into Randy walking down the street and asked him to come on the show…
Randy Harris is in the studio…(from…
Kim had her first fight recently…Bubba asks how female MMA fighters protect their “boobs”…
Does Randy worry about his health after a full career of fighting?…
Randy is waiting for his non-compete clause to expire so he can fight Fedor…UFC is doing
whatever they can to try and defame Randy…Randy talks about breaking his arm while fighting
Gonzaga…Does Fedor want to fight Randy?…
Why does the media give Kim heat for decisions that Randy makes?…

Highlights from segment 2
Caller – his friend has been pranking him…needs help getting him back…Bubba recommends
Spice’s gift card rib…
Caller – loved the “Day in the life of Bubba” Howard TV segment…
Caller – got Sirius for Howard now loves Bubba…
Caller – (Cyrus) decided to vote for Obama…he is afraid to trust him though…
Caller – signed his friend up for gay porn magazines…
Jeff the Drunk calls in…he put Evel Kenevil on his answering machine…
Bubba talks about his upcoming race in Clewiston…
Jeff the Drunk’s answering machine is shitty…
Caller – wants to go to the Clewiston race…
Caller – (Jacob) can’t seal the deal with a cougar (Dawn)…
Bubba plays a clip of Bret Favre crying during a farewell press conference…
Bubba conference calls Dawn the cougar and Jacob to try and help close the deal…she claims that
Jacob wasn’t as close to fucking her as he thought he was…Bubba hangs up on Jacob…Dawn
admits that she’s a fan of tossing salad…would she be willing to do a mother daughter with
Spice?…She offers to bring some other cougars with her, and she wants to snowball…

Highlights from segment 3
Royce Gracie in studio with Rob Kahn…Bubba claims to have tapped him out during the break…
but Royce disagrees…
Royce denies having trained former BTLS intern Jimmy Jamz…Bubba plays the audio of Jimmy
Jamz making wild claims for Royce to enjoy…
Royce talks a little about his families history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu …
Royce and Spice roll play what it might be like to piss off Royce in a bar…
Rob Kahn sets up a demo between Brent and Royce…he allows strikes, but Brent talks him down
to just slaps and taps…Royce manages to manhandle Brent while taking of his own shoes…
Royce drags it out to torture Brent…after submitting Brent , Royce turns his attention towards
Bubba…and Bubba backpedals to avoid getting his ass kicked…

Highlights from segment 4
Bubba plays some clips from Bret Favre’s very emotional retirement press conference…
Ned gives Favre a big “Wahhhh” and Bubba slaps the crap out of him, then shuts everyone’s
microphones off…
Bubba and Ned role play what Ned’s retirement speech might be like…
Bubba continues to play the rest of the Favre speech, and Ned greases Favre the whole time…
Caller – how is Tony doing since hitting the wall?…
Caller – Is Bret Favre really that good of a player?…
Caller – has seen Dawn the cougar from Virginia…
Caller – really offended by Spice and Ned making fun of Bret Favre…
news – a man calls 911 after getting beaten in the head with a hammer…
Caller – Is Absinthe worth the money?…
Caller – played football at IU…

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