Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Giants win Super Bowl talk…
Tim the Bulldog Sabean took Bubba’s advice and laid money on the Giants…
Bubba may drag Howard TV to the racetrack to see his car owner race on Friday…
caller – (Will) black guy likes to get the brothers to listen to Bubba…and likes dirt track racing…
Spice tries to figure out who won the Winter Nationals at East Bay…
Bubba calls Stanton Racing to see how hard he can push his new Mopar race engine…
Bubba gives a timbal to Terry McCarle for getting in Lasker’s face…the guys aren’t all
sure if it was timbal-worthy…Bubba doles out some more timbals on a whim…
Is Charlie Crist going to run for Vice President?…
Bubba vows to kill himself if Hillary beats Obama…even Ned has Obama fever…
caller – will Bubba be racing this Saturday?…
Caller – (Brian) asks Bubba to stop playing the “Irish” song…so of course, Bubba plays it…
Caller – (Darren) pissed that Toyota has entered NASCAR….
Caller – what are Bubba’s thoughts on the Brock Lesnar UFC match?…
Brent demonstrates the technique that Frank Mir used to defeat Lesnar…
Would Rob Kahn tap out to a heel hook?…Bubba says he wouldn’t…Rob calls in to say
that it is the one move he would tap to…
Bubba thinks he could beat Rob if the rules were set in his favor…
Will Marcus Jones get on Ultimate Fighter?…
Hair lip Chris calls in…
Bubba has switched over to…someone on that site has made contact
with Jeremy Piven…can they get him to come on the show?…
Bubba announces that there may not be a Pittsburgh Bubbapalooza due to venue cost…
The Ferret tried to have a “school girl threesome” on his birthday this weekend…

Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “He Baffled Me With Bullshit” song…
Bubba made notes about the show and the website while sitting in church…
Joe the Super Mark calls in…he wants to move to Florida…would Joe be willing to
do gay stunts if Bubba hired him?…The guys tie on a “should Bubba hire Joe” vote…
they leave the final vote to Big Dick…Dick votes no…
Bubba is concerned that Joe would bother Hogan if he worked at the studio…
Joe even offers to be Craig the Bulldog’s bitch…
Would Bubba let Joe watch Tyler?…Who would Bubba let watch his son?…
Bubba decides to let the listeners vote on whether Joe should move or not…
Spice offers to let Joe rent his apartment if the rent is garnished from his wages…
Rick Yemm from “Ice Road Truckers” got a huge Bubba Army tattoo…
Is Aubrey Huff still getting heat over his Baltimore comments?…
Bubba is taking welding lessons?….
Did Deuce Niggero get any cougar ass this weekend?…he claims that there was too
many other black guys in the club for him to get any ass…and he had a septic tank
backup that made his whole house smell like shit…
caller – claims he saw 25 Cent at a strip club (2001) when he should have been at New York
New York instead…
Bubba is pissed…he feels that 25 didn’t even try to land a cougar…
Did 25 Cent get free lap dances at 2001?…
Bubba tells 25 Cent to go back to the merch trailer…he won’t ask him to participate in any
more show bits…

Highlights from segment 3
Howard TV will be following Bubba around all day on Saturday…
The guys recap the Giants Super Bowl win…and play some clips from the post game
Caller – question about the BTLS reality show…
Caller – (female) has a theory about Tom Brady’s girlfriend…
Bubba scheduled in some sexy time for tonight…
Caller – did Bradshaw drop an F bomb on air yesterday?…Bubba plays the clip…
Caller – requests permission to use BTLS as his screen name on Halo 3…
Caller – claims that “cock” means “pussy” in the black community…
The “pussification of America” was evident during the lackluster Super Bowl
commercials…Bubba gives Fox credit for having Tom Petty at halftime…
Bubba marks out to the guitar playing, whiny dyke from the Doritos commercial…
He also has the hots for Alicia Keys and her “half breed” beaver…
The guys rip apart Brittney’s new song…its sounds like Ned is in the background
fucking a chicken…

Highlights from segment 4
Bubba is a big Angelina Jolie fan, but Spice isn’t…
Were there any good Super Bowl commercials?…
Caller – met a guy that claims to have worked for Bubba…(Vick Almasey???)
Caller – his friend cheated on his wife, should he tell the wife or keep the secret?…
Caller – got road head from his sister in law’s mother…should he pump her again?…
Bubba recaps some of the other “Bubba Man Laws”…
Bubba hopes that Barack Obama will beat Hillary on Super Tuesday…
email – Wives of MLB looking to do a fundraiser for the family of Joe Kennedy…
email – a guy that works for the company that makes the “Strike Trainer” agrees with
Bubba’s analysis of the product…
email – Jim Bruer is a good guy…
email – Bubbapalooza is being promoted on the side of the Staples Center…
email – a Bubba Army shirt made it on the NFL Network on Sunday…
email – listener greased John Lynch at a signing last week…
email – A listener with terminal cancer has requested to be buried in his Bubba Army shirt…

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