Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Did Ned take a nap today?…Ned claims that he is out of it, and requests to drop a few
F-bombs to get back in the mood…Talk about Ned’s tapeworm…
Bubba thanks the fan forums for being kind…
Talk about Paet from DWT racing wheels…
Why isn’t Spice bringing his girl to Vegas this weekend?…Spice makes a point of
saying that his girl has a job, and has to work…
audio – Huckabee comments on Bush…
What are the republican candidates stance on the war?…Has Hillary blown it?…
Bubba gets distracted by “Obama Girl” video…
Bubba is starving and wants a Big Mac…
Weasel the FTE calls in…since the last call, he married Karen the lot lizard…
Heather Fawcett the model from the ProSource ads stops by the studio…she trains in
MMA and demonstrates some of her kicks on Brent’s head and ribs…
Bubba tries to ask her the questions that matter, but she won’t answer…Bubba calls her
husband to get permission for her to open up a little…
Would Heather Fawcett be willing to pose in Penthouse?…

Highlights from segment 2
Bubba checks in on Heather Fawcett in the green room…
Does Bubba listen to his wife Heather when she talks?…
Spice’s phone makes noise and distracts Bubba…
Caller – Charlie, wants a tape of the show to help him in his divorce…
Tucker Carlson calls in live from the campaign trail…
Tucker thinks that Hillary has lunch with the devil…what might Obama be hiding?…
Does Ron Paul have a chance?…
As usual, the guys end up disagreeing about who will win the election…
Why does Tucker like Carl Rove?…
Tucker bets Bubba on the outcome of the New Hampshire primary…
Bubba tells Tucker to expect a call from “Larry Loujack”…

Highlights from segment 3
email – high dollar cognac…
Did Bubba remember that his anniversary is this weekend…
Where was Donna for four hours yesterday?…Is she cheating on Manson?…
What is the traditional first anniversary gift?…
email – will see Bubba in Atlantic City…
email – no more B-Fudd…Jason Ellis still talking shit?…
caller – why won’t Bubba be at the chili bowl?…
Roger Clemens is denying any steroid use…the guys analyze Roger’s taped phone
call “evidence”…Bubba feels that the tape has been edited…
Caller – claims he has met Clemens before, and that he isn’t a nice person…
Caller – knows about the phone taping laws in Texas…
Bubba plays the classic “Crazy Boston Bitches” phone call…
Ned offers up a conspiracy that involves Gibbs taking out Shawn Taylor to benefit the team…
Michael Vick gets moved to Leavenworth…
American Idol winner Taylor Hicks gets dropped by his label…

Highlights from segment 4
Roger Clemens uploads suit against his former trainer…
Caller – gets heat with Ned’s Shawn Taylor comments…
CP Trav calls in already pissed off…Ned does an imitation of him, which only pisses
him off more…CP gives his football picks, Bubba picks the Jaguars…
BCS official are now open to a final four football format…
Play Ned’s “Don’t You Love Her Badly” song…
Bubba says that Keith Olbermann is perfect in every way…
Bubba gets an update on the New Hampshire primary…
Caller – disagrees with Bubba’s Jaguars over the Patriots pick…Bubba makes a
gentlemen’s bet with him…
Cuckold talk…what does it mean, and how do you say it?…

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