Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba is pissed at some of the Sirius management for screwing with him about his new contract,
just minutes before the show…Bubba threatens to quit Sirius…
Bubba plays “Wizard of Izoz” bit while he sends an email to Scott Greenstein…
What did everyone do during the break?…Manson and Spice went to see the Blue Man Group, and Bubba got all pilled up and had Tom the Tree Man drive him and some friends around town…
Bubba also managed to puke up most of his pills at Thee Doll House…
Bubba and Spice will attend the AVN’s in Vegas this weekend, and The Ferret has Bubba booked
for all kinds of events while he is there…maybe too many events…
Caller – (Brian) comments on Tyler’s huge trophy…
caller – talk about the Liddel / Silva UFC fight…
Did Bubba screw Heather on New Years Eve?…did she even remember it?…
Caller – pleads with Bubba to stay on Sirius…
Caller – liked the new American Gladiators show, and got pissed at the treatment of Ron Paul
during the republican debates…
Bubba feels that he may know more about politics than Fred Thompson…
B-Fudd calls in to mark out to the Seahawks…
Did the Ferret quit after the Ticket Master fiasco before the holidays?…

Highlights from segment 2
email – requesting pics of 25 Cent’s huge black cock…
email – just got his K5 box set as a Christmas present…
email – Bubbapalooza city recommendations
Bubba comments on the two idiots that got mauled by tiger at SF zoo…he even
requested higher seats at the Circus after the Tiger attack…
Bubba played all the old school video games at an arcade recently…
Dr Dan Diaco calls in…his brother is addicted to “Guitar Hero”…Diaco gives an update
on the state of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers……
Bubba used to own a limo service…some other local limo service has used the same name…
email – how does Bubba not know if the south pole is hot or cold?…
email – are people getting ripped off by buying Bubbapalooza tix on eBay?…
email – request for pics of Heather’s feet…Spice would eat his own shit???…for how much?…
Do people really get turned on by looking at feet?…Spice says that he would rather eat
his own shit then get off while looking at feet…
Would Brent or Manson let their wives do foot photo shoots?…
Bubba calls Heather to see if she will take pics of her feet, and to get heat with her for
forgetting that they had sex on New Years Eve…
Email – a Vermont station (95 XXX) has been ripping off Shock Collar Karaoke…
Caller – Agoraphobic Ernie calls in to thank Bubba for his box set…puts his wife on the phone…
Caller – one of Tony Stewart’s race cars is to be auctioned off…
Joe the Super Mark calls in…Joe got internet and cable today…
Joe would rather rim Hogan than screw Heather….

Highlights from segment 3
Bubba is pissed at Chip for not putting up the poll he asked for…why is Chip not paying
attention?…Spice mentions that Chip’s girlfriend recently dumped him, she had been
cheating on him for a while with someone from Palm Beach…
Can the guys try to set Chip up with someone new?…can they set him up with a guy?…
How does Ned feel about his shirts being in the clearance section of the web store?…
Manson let everyone down because he didn’t finger Donna over the break…
Bubba is buying a used Dodge Neon hobby stocker race car to race at Eastbay…and he
wants everyone on the show to race it too…Spice and Manson aren’t too crazy about the idea…
caller – loves the show and wants the guys to wish him happy birthday…
caller- (Joe) asks Bubba about the Packers vs. Seahawks game this weekend…
caller – sprint car talk…
Brent grew out his hair over the break and Bubba wants to welch on his ¼ ounce weed bet…
Someone is selling Bubba and Heather wedding wine bottle on eBay…
Bubba was really impressed with the “History of Howard Stern” show that ran over the break…
Caller – wants Bubba to find out what her husband’s sexual fantasy might be…but her
husband takes the phone and hangs it up…

Highlights from segment 4
news – a man is arrested after being caught fucking a deer…
Caller – wants Brent’s thoughts on the Columbus game…
Bubba thinks that Roger Clemens may be guilty after watching him on 60 Minutes
last night…are lie detector tests accurate?…
Bubba admits using steroids while in college…
Bubba recalls getting steroid prescriptions from Dr. Glen Speckman in college…
Janie found Bubba’s syringes back in the day and freaked out…Bubba calls her…
Spice points out that Bubba’s steroid use may explain his “baby nuts”…
Caller – made his girl sore with the two finger deal…
audio – Roger Clemens gets pissed over steroids accusations…
Spice gives an Aubrey Huff update…
audio – Dr. Phil comments on latest Brittney Spears drama…
Spice gets Bubba up to speed on the newest Brittney Spears drama…

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