Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba recaps his sleep issues from last night…including Heather vacuuming while he
tried to get some sleep…
The Ferret finally worked out a deal for a Vegas Bubbapalooza…possibly March 1st…
The latest listener poll shows that Spice is in love with his new girl…Bubba brings
Spice’s love fest to a stop by telling him that the cutesy stuff Kayla is doing now won’t last very long…
Is Ned getting ready for Bubbapalooza?…
Bubba swears that he didn’t do anything inappropriate with the blond girl from “Worlds
Collide Fights”…
Joe the Super Mark calls in…he has compiled a list of things that are wrong with him…
Joe bogarts weed from his girlfriend?…He also thinks of suicide every day…

Highlights from segment 3
Bubba wants to pick the music for the Wrap Up Show…
Does Ned listen to his own songs when he’s in his car?…
Spice still wants the $20 that Bubba owes him…even though Bubba cut him a large
check for something else…should Spice just let it go?…
Bubba watches a video of everyone laughing at him when he fell down the steps…
Does everybody really hate Bubba?…even Hammil made fun of Bubba…
Has Hammil worked his way into everyone’s Bubbapalooza bit?…
Bubba plays a clip of 25 acting like a monkey out in Modular City…

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