Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba got heat with Heather this weekend and may play Michael Jackson as repellant…
The Bird family had their Sirius units turned off by accident this weekend…
Spice went to Joe Kennedy’s funeral this weekend in Colorado…
Spice spent some time with Frank Thomas…why didn’t he ask him to come on the
show?…was it because of the fallout from Aubrey Huff’s appearance on the show?…
Aubrey has grown out his beard so people won’t recognize him…
Bubba pries Spice for more info on his new girlfriend…and gives her a “Schwing”…
Spice could tell that someone had been in his spot on Friday, because his headphones
were all stretched out…did 25 do a good job filling in for Spice?…Should he be allowed
to sit in on the show, or should Bubba just play clips of his voice?…
TBOC contestant #156 calls in…she made a parody song about the contest…
Chip went to “Charliepalooza” this weekend…why?…
Bubba is upset about the video of him tapping Brent out, because he feels that it makes
him look fat…Miller says that he doesn’t think that it’s the video that makes Bubba
look fat…

Highlights from segment 2
Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Jens Pulver, on the phone…he talks about growing up
having to defend his mother against his own father…and being held at gunpoint by him.
Talk about getting dropped by Joe Lauzon…
Jens pimps his website and tells the fans to avoid the Jens Pulver imposter on MySpace
Bubba talks about how he used to play rock songs on a top 40 station back in the day…
He also used to take phone calls from his house for his night time rock show…
Bubba plays a clip of a Jacksonville news story about him when he was stirring things
up on the air there as a “black” dj…even “Pig Vomit” makes an appearance in the clip…

Highlights from segment 3
Listener Email – 25 did a great job on Friday…
Bubba talks about Attorneys ruining radio by trying to control how it is programmed…
Bubba would rather Spice use a fake name when talking about his new girlfriend so
he can’t blame Bubba for ruining his new relationship…
listener email about Bubba’s shorts in the new wrestling video on Bubba Raw…
Joe the Super Mark calls in…his Sirius stopped working this weekend too…
Joe misses Evel Kenevil…did Evil really ever jump snake canyon?…Joe says he would
put Hogan’s cock in his mouth in order to have a chance to follow Hogan around for a
day…he actually has a whole list of guys cocks that he would put in his mouth…and he
admits that he would let Hogan pump his ass too…
Bubba asks to send Joe to counseling…but he doesn’t want Spice to get counseling…
TBOC contestant # 50 calls in…how does she have so many votes?…Bubba calls
shenanigans on multiple contestants for cheating…
Caller – her daughter is TBOC #178…and she wants Bubba’s opinion on her daughter’s
semi snatch photo…
Caller – TBOC contestant # 194’s dad wants to know what his daughter’s chances are…

Highlights from segment 4
Caller – says he saw Gary Scelzi in the gym with a hot blond trainer…
Bubba gets Spice’s new girlfriend “Kayla” on the phone…she says she won’t hold
anything that happens on the show against Spice…and she won’t let Bubba feel her tits..
Bubba wants to know why Spice didn’t get any ass while in Denver…
Will Kayla let Spice screw her bareback?…Does Spice love Kayla?…
Bubba feels that Spice is really pussy whipped over this one…
Ned wants to know what the “stick it in” parameters are with Kayla…
Ned gets serious heat with Bubba’s Janis Joplin music pick…
Manson brought in a new bit about the girl from last week that claimed she screwed Bubba back in the day…
Caller – TBOC 2006 winner #95…hoped to see Bubba at De Ja Vu…

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