Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Heather is worried about what she should wear to Bamboozlefest…
Is Spice living vicariously through Bubba’s marriage?…
Chip is implementing a new video player for Bubba Raw…why is he wearing a sweater
vest in August…or at all?…does Chip have a new girlfriend? Is she of age?…
What staff members are moving into the trailer out back?…
Everyone was practicing their comedy routine last night…Bubba threatens to pull
Brent in the middle of his act if he thinks it’s shitty…and Brent says he will walk out
if Bubba fucks with his act…Spice doesn’t want to go at all because he is sick…
The guys get heat with Bubba for trying to change everything at the last minute…
A podcaster calls in, he’s afraid that he can’t compete with the BTLS show if we ever
Listener email – economy worries…bareback commercial…Bubba Army shirt saved
my life…Manson the sexiest guy on the show?…Manson’s old band…no Sirius in a
loaner car…
Caller – thinks that Manson is worthless and does nothing…
Tucker Carlson shared his restroom groping story on his TV show too…
A caller requests details on the upcoming Super Box Set…

Highlights from segment 2
Spice prefers Indy racing over NASCAR, and wants to know why it isn’t more popular.
Grover made a mash up with a Sammy Hagar song…Bubba takes a shit on it…
Caller – hates Manson, but marks out to Spice…
Do any of the guys have a will, or life insurance?…Spice requests a 401k plan…
Bubba is going to race practice tonight…
Dr Mark’s Men’s Health Segment…he finally brought in a sample of his new all natural
health supplement…Brent has been using it for a couple of weeks…
Listener questions – rubbing your penis raw…premature ejaculation…

Highlights from segment 3
State of the Bubba Address with Heather Wiz…what is the state of contract negotiations
If Bubba went to regular radio, when would he start?…Has Bubba trained with Rob
Kahn recently?…would Brent ever run for office?…what is the deal with Melody and
John Lynch?…why is Bubba bringing Akira back…why hasn’t Bubba fired Tom the
Tree Man?…Why is Brent’s mail being opened?…
Tara stops by the studio…Bubba has been stealing her diet pills…
How does Tara feel about guys jerking it to her voice?…would Tara read sexy stories or
do sex toy reviews?…was there fall out from Manson’s family stories?…
Tara reads a dirty story from Bubba’s office…but it was written by a man, so it doesn’t
work out quite right…Has Bubba ever had a bad fan encounter?…
The guys share “post hog trial” stories…and times that they have been threatened…
Why can’t Lasker come in every week?…

Highlights from segment 4
The guys come back from break with their minds right…SOTBA continues…
Would Bubba ever settle any of his lawsuits if he got a better contract?…
Who would win in a fight between Brent and Spice?…what is the title of Brent’s book?
Manson wore a wig when he was in a hair band…When will the Bubba anthology be released?…What does Spice’s bar tab look like on an average Friday night?…
What is everyone afraid of?…Brent is afraid of heights, Spice is afraid of snakes and spiders, and Bubba is afraid of drowning …what is the wackiest thing you’ve ever done
to get laid…where does Spice see himself in ten years?…Who is the least narcissistic
person on the show?…who is the most fuckable person on the show?…
What cities might a “Bamboozlefest” tour stop at?…
What is motivating Tara’s weight loss?…she doesn’t want to be “skinny fat”…
Could Tara ever do a show segment on growing up with Bubba?…Bubba and Tara
used to bathe together…and Bubba beat her up for a sandwich…
Could Bubba do anything that would make any of the other guys quit?…

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