Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba is going to attempt a flip out free day today…Robin will be on Larry
King tonight…Is Robin Williams actually funny?…
We tested the Lasker fireworks deal last night…
The Bubba fireworks extravaganza will take place at Hogan’s this year…
Spice bets five dollars that Bubba will flip out today…
Listener email…Show Opener song getting old… is Bubba hard to deal with?
Bubba finds it hard not to flip out after reading shitty emails…
Should Bubba get back on the rattler?…Has he changed drastically since
getting off the rattler?…
Bubba avoids flipping out on callers that disagree with his Akira ruling…He
wants to flip out just because people have asked him not to…
Will Bush pardon Scooter Libby?…Tyler walks into the studio crying, because
he doesn’t want to go home with his mom…
Ned tries to piss Bubba off by making fun of Tyler crying…but Bubba holds
Who is Bill Kristol, and what is The Project for a New American Century?…
New girls shirts are now available…will Donna wear one?…
Mason made a parody of a Bush press conference on Libby…
Olbermann votes Bush the worst person in the world last night…

Highlights from segment 2
Tyler’s first race will be on later today…
McCain fundraising not working out so well…should Bubba pay up on his
ass kissing bet with Brent now?…
Why do NBA rookies get so little money?…Ned says he would suck a dick for
the amount of money that the rookies make…
DEA knew about Benoit’s excessive steroid purchases?…
Craig spent all day building fireworks mortar bases…
Who is “Stanton” the new intern?…where did he come from?…
Bubba flipped out on another intern (John) for smoking on the studio property…
John comes in to describe the flip out…do the other interns resent “Stanton”
for getting invited to Hogan’s house for the fourth of July?…
Brent switches places with Bubba…and attempts to run the show…he starts
by talking about the Genarlow Wilson case…that doesn’t last long…
Bubba ribs Spice about his past defection from the show…
How did the argument between Lasker and Spice end last night?…
Was Bubba the evil mastermind behind the heat between Lasker and Spice?…
Bubba gets up and hits Spice’s ribs after he finds out that they are bruised…
Spice calls Bubba a psychopath…and can barely breath…Bubba claims he
didn’t mean to hurt Spice…after he hit him on purpose…

Highlights from segment 3
How did Robin’s detox session go?…Bubba is considering having a chef
come in to prepare food for the staff…he is concerned about all the “grazing”
that goes on during the breaks…
Bubba may start training with Brent and Spice on Thursday?…
Can he pay the trainer to let him win?…
Callers – been to Hedo 15 times…
Rob Kahn calls in to reassure Bubba that he will not beat on him…
Rob claims to have a girl at his gym that can beat anyone in our building…
Brent got heat for watching Shamron Moore on entourage…
Bubba tried to get Heather to stop blowing him by farting on her, so he could
continue watching “Dirty Dancing”…what is wrong with him?…
Bubba talks about the benefits of having an across the board “flat tax”…
Talk about Tyler’s first race video…

Highlights from segment 4
Lasker comes in with his full fire suit on…
Did Brent forget what event Bubba asked him to slot in for next Tuesday?…
Bubba analyzes Brent’s meltdown from yesterday…
Bubba gives the orders to get the fireworks deal setup…
Lasker shows off his “Lasker Cam”…mounted on the new helmet that Scelzi
gave him…
Lasker admits to having mullet extensions again…
The Lasker Fireworks Firing Squad begins…
He tries to Muay Thai away the fireworks as they come at him, and catches
fire…Bubba admits to pouring lighter fluid on Lasker’s legs in the hopes that
he would turn into a ball of fire…was that a mean thing to do?…
Callers – request the Ned Archdiocese call for his religious girlfriend…
Bubba tries to get the callers girlfriend to give him head (the caller)…

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