Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Are Craig and Spice trying to get the same girl?…Is Bubba plotting against
Spice and ruining his game?…Who was texting her to “beware of Spice”?…
Bubba calls Jenna to tell her that he is a fine, outstanding, young man…
Does Jenna have the hots for Craig?…
Heather met Kirstie Ally at the mall?…How does Heather feel about Craig and
Jenna hooking up?….
What did Bubba get Heather for his birthday?…Shoes and a cramming’?…
Bill Keller caught Bubba at the mall while he was buying gifts for Heather…
What kind of game will Craig run on Jenna?…Spice and Craig do a dry run…
Is Bubba just trying to control Craig?…Does Tyler like Craig more than Bubba?
Listener email – Bob Levy accepts Bubba’s challenge?….
Ned sings along to Bad Company…
The guy that bought the “Power Pig” jacket is mad at Bubba?…Why?…
Big Dick’s salvia smoking got squashed by the over thinkers on Friday…
Listener email calls for the firing of Akira due to her weight…a listener keeps
getting his Bubba Army mud flaps stolen off his truck…
Should we change the show opener song as a result of listener requests?…

Highlights from segment 2
Bubba recaps Tyler’s first official race…He came in second place, after
spending the whole race making his way up from the back several times…
Bubba caught up on sleep this weekend…
A caller found an article about Bubba in a shady magazine?…
Bubba calls Bob Levy to see if he will actually fight him over the shock collar
deal…Will Kid Chris admit that Bubba came up with the idea first?…
Bubba explains how he federally trademarked “Shock Collar Karaoke”, and
doesn’t want anyone ripping it off…
Caller says that Kid Chris is ripping off other things as well…
Bush is still completely bamboozled…
Will John Stewart take over Conan’s spot?…
Audio of Paris trying to score “lude’s”…

Highlights from segment 3
The gimp that went on the Akira date is a school teacher!?!?…He claims he is
in danger of losing his job if the video of his “date” with Akira is released…
Spice heads into the green room to see if Akira is texting Jason…
Is Bubba meaner now that he is married?…should he try to change?…should he
be on medication?…
Dan Diaco calls in to side with Bubba…Does Bubba control everyone’s
personal time?…Brent flips out when Bubba brings up leaving his wedding…
Bubba denies controlling anyone’s personal life, and almost gets elevated to
throw some fists…with Brent…
A listener saw Heather driving on the wrong side of the road today, and sent a picture he took on his phone…Bubba calls Heather to confirm…
Bubba asks Heather if he has been meaner lately…her answer isn’t convincing.
Akira comes in studio, looking like she lost at least five pounds…but after a
weigh in, she is actually one pound heavier…
Bubba feels that Akira has let herself go and doesn’t care…she fucked up the
last big promotion and Bubba wants her gone…
Akira tries to defend herself…and fails miserably…
Bubba has giant “before and after” photos to show how much weight she has gained lately…Akira claims that lack of walking has contributed to it…
Bubba asks her to leave…she has contributed nothing…and he is pissed…

Highlights from segment 4
Bubba predicted the outcome of the Akira Dating Game before it happened…
Bush has commuted Scooter Libby’s sentence…
Benoit used his WWE finishing moves to strangle his son?….
More details on the Benoit strangling….was there a distracted referee on the scene?…the media is starting to ask for congressional investigation of
wrestling deaths…Bubba has been on this for a while now…
Could Hogan be called to testify in front of congress?…

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