Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba needs a vacation from his vacation…Spice spent some time in Oakland.
Did anyone come in during the break?…Ned couldn’t wait to come back…
Did he break Garnett’s wrist?…Why didn’t Ned invite Bubba to his big
“garage party”?…Will Janie smoke Salvia?…
Did Spice get any pussy while in Oakland?…
How was Hammil’s house party?…
We are now accepting submissions for the “Date with a whore” game…
The new Manson CD is now available…
Manson rips on how shitty some podcasts are…
Bubba has a nasty festering grounder…will he let the guys try to pop it?…
Poll results show that listeners want less whores on the show…but callers vote for more.
Mixed reviews of the last Sopranos episode…
Gary Scelzi calls in after a good run in the finals…Scelzi mentioned “hulking
up” in his post race interview…
Scelzi needs to get a new phone…he keeps dropping out…
Bubba asks about Ashley Force…anyone crushing her?…
Bubba gains ten pounds every time he visits Janiecakes…

Highlights from segment 2
Tom the Tree Man’s attorney on the phone to discuss some of the details of
Tom’s suspension and possible firing…
Is the city of Pinellas Park wasting the taxpayers money with this issue?…
Does Tom have a civil liberties case if he gets let go?…
Bubba calls Kevin Hazelet…he is angry with him…
Kevin predicts the outcome of Tom’s case…
Kevin can’t take the case due to a conflict?…
Bubba wants in on any payouts…
Bubba recaps going to a poison concert…and singing on stage…
Play audio from the news stories that covered the Treeman deal…
Does local media hate us?…why won’t they mention Bubba Raw?…
Did the city of Pinellas Park look at the video timestamp to determine when
the events occurred?…
Ned made a Tom the Treeman song…

Highlights from segment 3
Janiecakes calls in for an update on Bubba’s grounder…
And the guys compare big boil stories…gross…Bubba, Janie, and Manson all
love to pop pimples…
Bubba marks out to a 15 year old he met while in Indiana, that can play the
piano and plays football…then snaps Ned for eating Pringles after he
mandated a no food policy…
Bubba got a scam email from a “Patrick Chan” claiming that Bubba can assist
him in handling a $30 million account…Bubba replied and hopes to help catch him in his con…
Families of Flight 93 victims are trying to strong arm the owner of the land to
sell the property where the plane crashed, so a memorial can be built…
Bubba got all the travel documents for his Hedonism trip…is he really going
to go through with swinging?…or will he just suck a dick?…
Brent flip flopped about changing oil on his truck…he can, he can’t????…

Highlights from segment 4
Did an STD get Paris Hilton released from prison?…why is this taking over
more important news?…
Larry Birkhead says his life has changed…no shit…
Bubba wants to beat up Howard K. Stern…if Howard would post bail for him…
Pentagon building a gay bomb?…play news story audio…
Akira in the studio to start the “Akira dating game”…
Has she been screwed as well as Spice screwed her since then?…

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