Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
It’s 420 today…is Brent baked?…He doesn’t get high during the show…
Since his MMA training, Brent has been backing the pot down a notch…
Spice will be starting to train MMA with Brent at Gracie Tampa…
Could Brent kick Bubba’s ass now? He got Bubba in a choke yesterday…
Bubba is finding it hard to keep in shape or keep up with his own hobbies
because he would rather focus on Tyler…
Did 25 work us on the fire ant deal last night? Should we make 25 redo it?…
25 Cent’s balls scared the fire ants away…
Spice talks about the 2001 girls that entertained us on Bubba Raw last night…
Jabba requested pics of one of the strippers from last night?
Will Jughead snap and kill Bubba one day?…
Bubba picks his favorite interns on staff right now….
Bubba checks the employee time sheets…
What are the cliques in the building? Will Jaeger destroy us if ever let go?
Play “Chocolate Stinky Balls” song
Is Bubba disrespecting Howard by joking about Bubba 101 on Friday?
Bubba want’s a VIP room for MMA training? Will Ned train with them?…
Bill Mahr and Al Sharpton talk…
Does Bubba have to handle Manson’s affairs now too?…
Ned made a song about the VA Tech killer…is it too much of a heat getter?
Could this new bit ruin the show’s good vibe?
Bubba pulls the bit after a few lines…lets the listeners decide….

Highlights from segment 2
An entomologist emailed us to say that the honey screwed up the fire ant deal..
Today is the eighth anniversary of the Columbine massacre…
Fox News is blasting NBC for playing the VA Tech killers video…
Manson argues that the video didn’t need to be played…
Is Manson the sickest person on the show? All our problem bits are his….
Bubba Small Claims Court…25’s nuts killed the fire ants…
25 cent shows Bubba his fire ant bite (on his sack)
Bubba wants him to do the fire ant deal over with no honey…and doesn’t
want to pay him the second $200 unless he does…negotiations ensue…
Brent leans over to puke…out of nowhere…is he bulimic?
Why is Heather trying to call Jughead?
Hogan calls in…then hangs up quickly…
Bubba calls Hogan back…Hogan says Bubba may be a bigger draw than he is…
Who was Carbuncle arguing with on the phone with yesterday?
Play Manson’s “Don Imus – Nappy Hos” song…
44% of the votes say “don’t play the Psycho Asian Man bit”…

Highlights from segment 3
Bubba says his IQ is 110…
James from YaYa’s stops by with food…
Alan “Monstah Lobstah” in studio…talk about Ultimate Fighter episode…
Nate Diaz on the phone (also from Ultimate Fighter)…
Pictures of Alan’s wife’s sister on for our viewing pleasure…
A listener from Seattle wants to suck off Jughead?
Alec Baldwin leaves a shitty message for his 12 year old… (with audio) (phase corrected)
Bubba is pissed about how women work the system, turn their kids against
their fathers…and other divorce/custody issues….

Highlights from segment 4
Some listeners could not hear the “Alec Baldwin” audio (audio was out of phase)
caller – actually made out ok in a divorce and custody battle…
callers – say they could hear the “Alec Baldwin” audio just fine…
Heather in studio…will she do any karaoke?
“Angie” on the phone…she wants to suck off Jughead…she is 5’7” 165lbs…
She is a manager at a McDonald’s…and claims to suck of co-workers and
customers…at random….
She brings the phone to the drive thru to prove she is really at McDonald’s…
Bubba asks her if she will blow someone for us on the phone right now…
Angie says there are no guys in the McDonald’s right now to suck off…
Her dad listens to the show???? Spice gets him on the phone…
He gives his permission for his daughter to suck some cock on the air…
Angie says there are no cocks to be found…Bubba pissed at blowing off
the karaoke for this whole thing….
Bubba kicks Heather out of the studio….for her comments during the call…

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