Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba is starving himself in the mornings…and eats at 1pm…
Bubba had no internet in his office before the show today…
TSS Radio talk…
Bubba alerts the Bubba Army of a possible mission…bank won’t help his friend…
Bubba explains why Bank of America bankers stopped by the studio…
Bubba wants to enact a new $500 or $1000 lying rule at the BRN…
More talk about the Houston mix in parameters…
Bubba is trying to big time the staff again on the Houston flight…
Bubba reads an email from the teacher that wants to hook up with Heather and Bubba…
Bubba reads an impromptu Carson’s Ribs spot…
Would Spice let Bubba browse around his MySpace page?…
caller – got six people lit with his nebulizer after hearing it on the show…
Did Keith Richards snort his father’s ashes?…
Bubba would like to ingest his mother when she dies…
Janie calls in to agree that Bubba can eat or smoke her ashes when she dies…
Janie pre-ordered her Smart Car…
Is Janie still sexually active?…
Bubba wants Janie to record herself masturbating…

Highlights from segment 2
How can the Smart Car be the safest car on the road?…
Brent talks about “BioDiesel” conversion kits…
Bubba explains how he was chasing the staff with his own shit yesterday…
Jughead wasn’t sure if he could post a video of Bubba playing with his shit…
Brent says he would have quit and fought Bubba if he smeared shit on him…
Is Bubba weird for playing with his own shit and chasing people with it?…
Talk about the Houston meet and greet and Heather’s cowboy outfit…
Alan “Monstah Lobstah” in studio…
Alan talks about being on “Ultimate Fighter 5” TV show…
Bubba marks out to Alan’s hot Polish wife…

Highlights from segment 3
Bubba thanks Donna for stocking up the BRN kitchen…and marks out to Pringles…
Alan “Monstah Lobstah” gets his hot Polish wife (Annetka?) on the phone…
Alan’s wife has a hot sister still in Poland…
Alan talks about how he ended up married to (Anika?)…
Bubba wants Lasker to get choked out by Midget from Gracie Tampa…
Play Manson’s “Spanky’s Easter” bit…
Bubba is already nervous about the Houston meet and greet turnout…
Update on the Houston meet and greet “cricket capers” and “sexual menus”…
Rumor has it that Sanjaya will not be allowed ti win American Idol…
Will American Idol rig the phone voting?…

Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “Eminem – Bible Stories – Adam and Eve” bit…
Bubba can’t stand USMC Matt on Stern Fan Network…his wife won new tits…
911 call audio – Former Family Ties child star Brian Bonsall’s wife calls police on him…
audio – judges comment on Sanjaya’s performance…
audio – Alanis Morissette covers the Black Eyed Peas “My Humps” song…
audio – White rapper with Downs Syndrome (Lazy D)…
Magazine lists the 50 most influential gay men and women in America…
Bubba busts Brent for passing notes in the studio…Bubba thinks it’s about him…
Bubba convinces himself that Brent was sending notes about him…
Bubba cuts Brent off every time he tries to talk…
Bubba says that Bubba can’t be a “twink”…
Bubba abruptly ends the show with no sign off…

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