Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
Bubba says his microphone still doesn’t sound right.
Bubba apologizes for the construction sounds from outside the studio.
Bubba mentions Brewer Concrete Construction.
Artie Lange has called the Bubba crew the “Westies”.
Brent and Spice recap their night of shitting after the “Shit Off”.
TBOC contest update.
Bubba calls Heather to make sure she can attend the State of the Bubba Address.
Brent doesn’t want to go to the dog track with Bubba this Friday.
The guys recall greyhound breeder Jim Abernathy.and play an old call with him.
The guys tune into a live police chase video on MSNBC (female in Dallas).
callers – comment on the Dallas police chase.
caller – Ned is a fucking nigger.
caller – explains where the police chase just ended.
Martin Gramatica talk.and Manson’s “Gramatica” song.
More Jim Abernathy talk.he owes Melody $20.
news – Pam Anderson and Kid Rock file for divorce.
Talk about Pam Anderson’s scene in Borat.
Spice went to go see Tommy Lee “spin” the other day.
Do any Djs really spin anymore?.

Highlights from Segment 2
Play Ned’s “Shit Your Pants” song.
Bubba did pay Jughead $1000 for winning the “Shit Off”.brief recap of the event.
There are now over 100 TBOC contestants up on the website.
The guys pick their favorite TBOC contestants.
Play Manson’s “Had a Bad Day” song.
Bubba has an issue with a ruling that came down on the “shit off”.
How much does Brent spend per month on weed? ($300).
Does weed control Brent’s life?.
Rumor has it that Tom Cruise was wearing a girdle at his wedding.
Bubba calls Heather but gets her voicemail.
Bubba not happy about the small 9 foot tall Christmas tree that Craig got him.
How do Brent and Manson the Atheists celebrate Christmas?.
Bubba thinks Jesus is a shoot and Santa is a rib.
Are Bubba and Spice “all in” with Jesus Christ?.
Bubba flips out at Dave for how his mic sounds.Dave blames Jesus.
Bubba was once told to work for a Christian radio station by a preacher.
Heather calls back in.says the kids are in a shitty mood today.
Spice asks Heather if she will be taller than Bubba in the wedding photos.
Would Heather let Bubba wear a girdle or a cut-off sleeve tuxedo?.
Bubba noticed that Heather gained a few pounds over the weekend.
Spice asks what Heather’s “batty (or baddy?) boots” are.

Highlights from Segment 3
“Shit Off” and Great Flood videos now on Bubba Raw.
Bubba can’t blog since his old computer has busted.why is no one blogging?.
Talk about the upcoming date from the Chip Dating Game.
Play Bubba’s “Miracle Church Experience” story from back in the day.
The guys recall when Brain Bramage used to call in.
Bubba asks for the guys opinions on his miracle church experience.
caller – how is Gene Lasker doing after his motorcycle accident?.
Bubba calls Lasker for an update.
Bubba tells Gene Lasker to go to the PRI show in his wheelchair.
Lasker got kicked out of therapy for doing wheelies in his wheelchair.

Highlights from Segment 4
Play Ned’s “H.I.V.” song.
Bubba calls Janie to talk to the food critic that is reviewing Janie’s meatloaf.
Janie puts Ryan the food critic on the phone.he wants to fuck Janie’s meatloaf.
Ryan grew up near where Bubba did.
Ryan says that Bubba knows his mom and she said Bubba was her worst client.
Bubba says he doesn’t care about the construction sounds in the background.
news – Black leaders are asking the entertainment world to stop using the word “nigger”.
Play Ned’s “N Word” song.
caller – Brent is getting soft.
caller – what does Brent think about Shula getting fired from Alabama?.
Bubba tells the guys to bring supplies to “take a ride” tomorrow for SOTBA.

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