Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
First day back after the “great studio flood”.
The guy discuss all the flood damage and what it took to get the studio back on air.
Dave Rice hasn’t left the studio in two days.
The “shit yourself” contest has been postponed.
Bubba releases the “Kabuki Project” CD.
Bubba plays Ned and Manson Thanksgiving bits.
Rosie O’Donnell outs Clay Aiken.
news – soldiers tease an Iraqi kid with a water bottle?.
Jimmy Kimmel makes fun of K-Fed at the AMAs.
Bubba pissed by Kramer’s apology on Letter man show.

Highlights from Segment 2
Bubba asks if he can put the Akira video on
Playboy playmate Jennifer Walcott in studio with Corey.
Talk about Jennifer’s football player boyfriend.
Has Jennifer ever had a threesome?.
Bubba tries to guess who Corey is dating.
Play Manson’s “Thanksgiving at the Lasoski’s”.
What are the guys doing for Thanksgiving?.
Manson plans on going to a karaoke bar.Bubba wants to bring Heather to see Manson.
Would Bubba sing karaoke if he went?.Why won’t Brent go?.
Bubba starts calling Brent Howard Hughes.
Why is Brent such a recluse?.

Highlights from Segment 3
Bubba plays a cut from the new “Kabuki Project” CD.
Bubba puts Walter Sabo over.
Talk about the latest TBOC contestants.
Are any of the staff still blogging?.Why did Ned stop?.
Big Dick brings some burnt turkey in for Bubba.
Big Dick wants to volunteer at the Dick too negative to work at the BRN?.

Highlights from Segment 4
Whitey Pippin shows up with more turkey.
Coco weighs in on Brent the Brent agoraphobic?.
The guys analyze Brent.
Brent feels that Bubba is weird too.
Bubba compares Brent to Michael Jackson.
Whitey Pippin explains the rib the guys tried to pull on him.
Spice told Whitey that Bubba was in a car accident.
The guys talk about pulling ribs on each other.
Bubba is going out tonight.could Brent come with him?.

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