Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
Bubba just got off the phone with Ross about Vagina 500 details.
news – woman accused of taping her kids together.
Kinky Friedman (candidate for Governor) calls in.
Kinky talks about the Mexican border plan and education policy.
Kinky will be on David Letterman this week.
Kinky wants to lower the drinking age to 18.
Should Hogan run for governor of Florida?
Bubba gets Lasker on the phone for the final voting results.
Spice wins 51% to 49%.
Can the guys cut off Lasker’s mullet on Monday?.
Lasker signed Bubba up for “barstool racing on ice”
Lasker wants a shirt with his mullet on it. “this bitch is going extinct”
Where should the girls take Lasker for his makeover clothing?

Highlights from Segment 2
How pissed is Spice about the fan feedback?.
Should Bubba redo “40s and Blunts” song?.
Bubba says the Vagina 500 is not locked in.
Ned left.said he wasn’t feeling Ned going to die?.
Stars will come to your event for a much for Bubba to attend?.
Bubba calls Ned to see if he is ok.
How much would Ned charge to attend a private event?.
Bubba would DJ a wedding for $10,000
Dr. Mark in studio.listeners can see him at the Bucs game.
The Hand wrote a Dr. Mark song.
caller – needs an aggressive urologist in Montana.
Testosterone replacement question.
Fat guy has arousal issues.and not impressive when flacid.why do guys even care?.
Pain in the tip of the shaft question.
Genital warts on the tongue question.
Double urethra question.
Dr. Mark offers to fix Spice’s piercing hole in his penis.
New men’s birth control pill is due out soon

Highlights from Segment 3
Bubba is finally going to ship his sprint car motor out of the studio.
Would Howard Stern ever do a show in Bubba’s studio?.
Who would you make out with on the this show? On Howard’s show?.
audio – Madonna on Dateline.
Bubba wants a black baby.
Play Manson’s “I Bought Jugs for a Stripper”.
Bubba announces the Twelve Boobs of Christmas contest.
Spice is going to start doing porn reviews (courtesy of
Bubba threatens to fire Brent and Spice and hire people from the Stern Fan Network.
Is Bubba a bully or is Brent trying to act tough

Highlights from Segment 4
People are voting “no” on the new Lasker shirt idea.
Hooters billboards say “Liquor in Tampa, Poker in Vegas”.
Bubba doesn’t care about where the country is heading (like Brent is).
news – man gets 20 years for trying to dig up a girls grave.
Bubba gets upset with Brent for sitting in a different position.
Is Brent being disrespectful by not sitting how Bubba “hired” him to sit?.
Play Manson’s “Bubba Survival Island” bit
Vote for Jenifer Emerson.
Bubba checks on the Lasker shirt poll.
Kat Williams stands the show up again.
news – Mike Jones claims he has had sex with Ted Haggard the indecency crusader.
news – Borat being sued by gypsies?.
Bubba snaps Spice in the eye with a wad of paper

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