Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
Everyone blogged this weekend except Brent and Manson
Bubba recaps the parts of his weekend that he remembers
Bubba actually rented a movie to watch in his movie theater
Bubba calls shenanigans over Coco’s football pool Coco comes in to explain
Bubba talks about going to Busch Gardens
Bubba bought a BOB training dummy
Talk about Brooke Hogan’s appearance on Stern show
Bubba may have the Vagina 500 race details finalized
What show member is most likely to overdose?
Manson stopped work on a new Hogan bit because it was too stiff
Manson made a Spice Akira and Melody bit instead(Hinder song parody)
Manson explains the premise of the Hinder “Lips of an Angel” song
Bubba marks out to Jim Croce and gets obscure Jim Croce trivia correct
Bubba guts ribbed for saying “ignoranus”

Highlights from Segment 2
Bubba plays Jim Croce songs
news – man pleads not guilty to having sex with the family dog
news – Keith Urban checks into rehab
Does Obama really have a chance? Is McCain better than GW Bush?
Manson Brent and Bubba say they would vote for Obama
Bubba likes Obama because he doesn’t look like a “brother” and is good looking
Is Tucker getting let go? NBC is cutting jobs
Who is going to overdose first on the show?
Spice plays pill rouletteBubba feels Brent is crying out for help
Brent was choked out by a bouncer in Ybor City
Brent and Bubba tie for most likely to overdose
What would everyone do if Bubba overdosed and died?
How close have the guys been to killing themselves?
Brent explains how he turned a girl into a lesbian

Highlights from Segment 3
Hogan calls inneeds the Bubba Army to buy Brooke’s CD
Brooke really like Howard Stern
Robin was stirring the shit today with Hogan and Linda
Brooke on phonenervous about her album release
Linda on the phoneshe has heat with Bubba and won’t talk
Bubba says he is not in love with Linda he is in love with Hogan

Spice should try to keep Akira from some side ass?
Bubba plays more Akira audio clips
Bubba guesses the Regular Guys called them “stinky queer Mexicans”
caller – Bubba talks to FTE with his CB radio effect

Highlights from Segment 4
News audio – winner of the Chicago marathon falls at the finish line
Donna D’errico gets a show on VH1 “Celebrity Paranormal”
audio – Dave Rice managed to fool Spice by calling in with Bubba audio clips
audio – Obama statements from
Bubba plays with audio bites of himself
Do the guys need to play softball tomorrow?
Bubba critiques Tucker Carlson’s show
Bubba explains his new holistic approach to sleep aids
What movies did Bubba rent this weekend?(Scary Movie and The Notebook)
Janie calls inasks what was on pitcher Kenny Rogers’ hand?(pine tar?)
Bubba asks Janie to blog
Bubba wants Tyler to watch more rugged cartoons (like Speed Racer?)

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