Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
The guys mark out to Melissa Midwest
Bubba thought of Melissa Midwest the last time he was with Heather
David Lawrence and Lilly in studio
David got Bubba a voiceover gig for the video game Saints Row
Discussion of Saints Row being Grand Theft Auto on steroids
Bubba turns on Saints Row to hear his voiceover work
David explains the work he put into the script of Saints Row
Bubba wants the iggy on the hurricane
Manson has a new offering – SpongeBubba Siriuspants
Bubba questions Brent about how he treated Amanda over the blown threesome
Bubba and Spice say Brent verbally manhandles Amanda
Brent says he is a serious person
Brent recaps how the swing was arranged and did not happen
Brent says he was concerned for Amanda’s health-show vote says he was being rude
Bubba calls Amanda for her take on the caper
Amanda says she likes Brent being in charge but isn’t scared

Highlights from Segment 2
The guys mark out to Melissa Midwest
Bubba thought of Melissa Midwest the last time he was with Heather
David Lawrence and Lilly in studio
David got Bubba a voiceover gig for the video game Saints Row
Discussion of Saints Row being Grand Theft Auto on steroids
Bubba turns on Saints Row to hear his voiceover work
David explains the work he put into the script of Saints Row
David Lawrence and Lilly in studio
Bubba wants to hear his rock DJ voiceovers but the station plays a sweeper
Bubba’s voiceover plays during a fist fight in Saints Row
Lilly has Bubba sign her tits and uses them to hold a wireless microphone
David talks about his musical appearance on stage
Lilly talks about her sex lifeshe’s been apart of a 14 person orgy
Bubba compairs Sirius radio to good sex
Lilly wants to go to Tamp strip clubs
Bubba explains to David how to behave at a strip club

Highlights from Segment 3
Play – Manson – Spongebubba Siriuspants
Bubba plays a montage of drops of porn audio in studio
The guys debate what makes a good sexual experience and how to do a threesome
Bubba asks for advice on where to do a west coast appearance
Ryan Seacrest bashing
David Lawrence and Lili in studio
David talks about Lili wiring a Burger King for his remote
Caller- Mancow update from Chicago
Caller- wants tame pictures of the show wives to get an idea of how hot they are
David asks Bubba about his penis size and illegal substance use
Bubba offers to show Lili his erection then vapor locks when she agrees

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