Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
Bubba Talks about their day being on Howard
Discuss the photoshoot
Discuss Ned’s night out
Talk about the Ned Concept shirt
Brent talks about running into Luke from 2 Live Crew
Discuss doing the paintball firing squad
Ralph, Tim Sabean, and Bob Levy come in the studio
Bob Levy gives himself a shock on the arm with the shock collar

Highlights from Segment 2
The guys discuss what they will be drinking tonight at the Howard Stern film festival
Ned names all the nicknames for the Sirius staff
Ned apologizes for holding out and admits he likes NYC now
More phone calls discussing the guys appearance that morning on Howard, shocking Sal and Richard.
Brent and Bubba discuss the lameness of the word fiancé
The guys discuss what channels they live on Sirius
Ned Bible stories
The guys discuss rattler roulette
Brad the producer for Farrell comes in and challenges the guys to a hot sauce shot
Manson cell phone goes off during the show, he agrees to take a shocking
Brad takes a shocking and rides it out
Bubba shocks Manson
The guys all praise and thank Dave Rice
Talk about going to the Howard Stern Festival

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