Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from Segment 1
Bubba finds out there was no replay of the show over he weekend
Tim Sabean on the phone tries to figure out what happened
Bubba wants and Stern Fan Network to get along
Invites all listeners out to Ambassador Go Carts for an open night
(caller-I Heart NY) gave head to someone on SFN
Bubba tries to cut a deal with I Heart NY to give Dan the Song Parody Man a sucking for Stern Fan Film Fest tickets
25Cent in studio gives an update on what’s going on with the BTLS My Space page
Bubba comments on the BTLS My Spage page, reads off all the Bubba-isms and phrases on there
Josh Todd from Buck Cherry on the phone. Gives pecking order of who gets a suck off. Talks about “Crazy Bitch.”
Josh says Houston, Austin, Miami & Birmingham are the best for groupies. New York City is the most disappointing for groupies.
Bubba plays “Crazy Bitch.”
Bubba wonders if Eminem listens to the show and knows about Manson’s parodies.
Bubba & Manson love Sly Stallone pudding.

Highlights from Segment 2
Play Manson’s “Jimmy Jams Kung Fu Fighting” song.
Tony, guy who upkeeds the BTLS My Space page on the phone.
(caller-Sandman) wants pit passes.
(caller) marks out.
Bubba says he would never go against Howard on XM.
(caller) did Bubba hear Robin say that Bubba might be able to eat her out.
(caller-Syracuse, NY) marks out, Bubba wonders what happened to Syracue’s sports program.
(caller) loves the Jimmy Jams stuff
talk about Florida Gators basketball players leaving early.
Talk about Bush & Cheney regarding the Valerie Plame incident. Brent thinks Bush will be impeached if the Democrats take over the House & Senate.
Talk about the Green Bay Packers.
Brent previews the Spider-Selma bit.
Bubba talks about Jimmy Jamz
Brent reads FCC filing about the Spider-Selma bit, and then play the bit.

Highlights from Segment 3
Bubba pots up Speed Channel’s Texas qualifying.
Janie Cakes calls the show. Talks about “Primetime” and people who want to cut off their limbs.
Play Janis Joplin “Buy Me a Mercedes Benz” as an intro for Jane and her rap.
Bubba gives some future t-shirt ideas.
Play Manson’s “Jimmy Jamz was Kung Fu Fighting” song.
Talk about the Texas qualifying.
Talk about David Lee Roth doing mornings and an article how radio shouldn’t hire non-radio people.
Whitey Pippen in the studio. Talk about Whitey’s kid. Bubba thinks he’s not heavy handed enough.
Brent talks about his childhood.
DJ Dave in studio. Talks about Jimmy Jamz. Bubba thinks Jimmy needs an intervention.
Brent calls Jimmy and gives him shit off air.

Highlights from Segment 4
Play “Sponge Bubba Square Pants” bit
Coco in studio, talked with Jimmy Jamz
Jimmy Jamz on the phone. Thinks guys are making him look like a buffoon.
Manson tells Jimmy to chill out.
Bubba gets fed up with Jimmy and starts reading the texts they sent each other.
Bubba hangs up on Jimmy in frustration.
Play Manson’s “Jimmy Jams Kung Fu Fighting” song.
Bubba still full hot about Jimmy Jamz.
(caller)thinks Jimmy is a crybaby.
(caller)wonders if that was the first time they made fun of Jimmy.
Bubba gives love to Canadian listeners and thinks he should do a show in Canada.
(caller) thinks Jimmy sounds like an idiot.
(caller-Marty MN) 2 facts about Jimmy
(caller) thinks Jimmy is a bitch
(caller-female Pittsburgh) thinks Jimmy is an asshole. Has MS, loves Ned.
(caller-Atlanta) complains about pollen, then phone screws up.
(caller-Huntington Beach, CA) Bubba rocks
(caller) new name for Jimmy: Jimmy Jaws
Bubba calls Gene Lasker, gets voice mail, Ned leaves a message.
(caller) Jimmy has him hot, wanted to hang up phone
Gene lasker calls in. Thinks Jimmy might flip out on them.

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